Welfare Funds:
Patuxent Institution........................
42, 209. 31
42, 209. 31
Maryland House of Correction........
161, 794. 32
161, 794. 32
Maryland Penitentiary....................
150, 459. 17
150, 459. 17
Maryland State Reformatory for
74, 377. 87
74, 377. 87
Maryland State Reformatory for
20, 577. 18
20, 577. 18
Unsatisfied Claim and Judgment Fund
3, 279, 244. 10
3, 279, 244. 10
Board of Public Works — Fire Losses
State Property Fund........................
173, 436. 58
173, 436. 58
Department of Budget and Procure-
ment — Revolving Fund....................
1, 021, 358. 31
1, 021, 358. 31
Department of Employment Security —
Special Administrative Expense
270, 840. 64
270, 840. 64
Maryland Racing Commission — Saliva
Test Fund........................................
25, 560. 00
25, 560. 00
Maryland Tuberculosis Hospitals Fund
2, 228. 10
2, 228. 10
Public Works Operations Funds:
Maryland House of Correction........
309, 694. 15
309, 694. 15
Maryland Penitentiary....................
157, 642. 47
157, 642. 47
Maryland State Reformatory for
2, 278. 15
2, 278. 15
Rosewood State Training School Fund
2, 000. 00
2, 000. 00
St. Mary's Seminary Junior College
424. 20
424. 20
State Accident Fund.............................
2, 983, 065. 13
2, 983, 065. 13
State Department of Public Welfare
Recoveries Fund..............................
35, 141. 98
35, 141. 98
Workmen's Compensation Commis-
sion — Second Injury Fund............
22. 00
22. 00
State Highway Construction Bonds,
Sinking Fund..................................
4, 987, 687. 50
4, 987, 687. 50
State Highway Construction Bonds,
Second Issue Fund........................
55, 022, 191. 13
55, 022, 191. 13
State Highway Construction Bonds,
Second Issue, Sinking Fund............
10, 586, 307. 05
10, 586, 307. 05
State Treasurer's Unpresented Checks
4, 353. 40
4, 353. 40
State Use Industries Funds:
Board of Correction........................
425. 92
425. 92
Maryland House of Correction........
650, 373. 65
650, 373. 65
Maryland Penitentiary....................
1, 513, 041. 60
1, 513, 041. 60
Maryland State Reformatory for
470, 145. 68
470, 145. 68
Maryland State Reformatory for
9, 110. 89
9, 110. 89
Patuxent Institution........................
66, 736. 39
66, 736. 39
Tax Collateral Deposit Fund............
8, 030. 00
8, 030. 00
Crownsville State Hospital Fund........
2, 608. 00
2, 608. 00
Parole Bond Deposits Fund................
3, 150. 00
3, 150. 00
Springfield State Hospital Fund........
39, 753. 53
39, 753. 53
Spring Grove State Hospital Fund....
156. 62
156. 62