1931, Ch. 141—Snow Hill
State of Maryland, Worcester County, to-wit:
To the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland:
The under-signed, citizens and qualified voters of the Town of Snow
Hill, in Worcester County, in the State of Maryland, having, three (3)
days prior to the fourth day of May, in the year nineteen hundred
and thirty-one, said day being the first Monday in said month and
year, been appointed by the Mayor of Snow Hill as judges of an elec-
tion to be held in said Town on the first Monday in May, 1931, for
the purpose of electing two (2) Councilmen of said town to succeed
Edward J. Dashiell and John I. Timmons, incumbent Councilmen,
whose terms are about to expire, do hereby certify that after our
appointment as aforesaid and before entering upon the discharge of
our duties, we did severally take oath before the clerk of the Circuit
Court for Worcester County, Maryland, to act fairly and impartially
as judges of election for two (2) Councilmen for the Town of Snow
Hill aforesaid, a copy of which said oath is hereto attached, and did
organize as such judges of election by appointing Robert N. Stagg,
one of our number as clerk, and pursuant to notices published by the
said Mayor did attend at the usual voting place in the Municipal
Building, in the said Town of Snow Hill, on the first Monday in May,
1931, and did keep the polls open from two o'clock P. M. to six o'clock
P. M. and permitted all those persons to vote at said election whose
names appear on the official registration list of said town and who
applied to us to so vote, and we did not permit any person to vote
whose name does not appear on the official registration list of said
town; and we do hereby return, under our hands, the number of votes
cast for eligible candidates for election, to said office and for whom
cast, with a copy of our oath as required by law, as follows:
For Edward J. Dashiell, for Councilman, two hundred twenty-three
(223) votes.
For John I. Timmons, for Councilman, two hundred twenty-three
(223) votes.
And we do hereby further certify that at the said regular Municipal
Election held in the said Town of Snow Hill on the first Monday in
May, 1931, for the purpose of electing two (2) Councilmen, as afore-
said, at which said election we acted as duly qualified judges as afore-
said, there was submitted to the legal and qualified voters of said town
the question whether bonds shall be issued for the purpose of the
extension, repairing and improvement of the water and sewerage
systems of said town of Snow Hill and for the purpose of repairs and
Improvements to the streets of said town, said question being sub-
mitted as aforesaid on special ballots as follows: "Shall or shall not
bonds of the aggregate par value of twenty-five thousand dollars
($25, 000. 00) be issued by the Mayor and Council of Snow Hill for
the purpose of the extension, repairing and improvements of the water
and sewerage systems of Snow Hill and for the purpose of repairs
and improvements to the streets of said town, as provided by Chapter