factors and many others could and should be part of a re-study and
possible fresh approach to the public school system of Maryland;
now therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Governor
of Maryland and the Legislative Council of Maryland be requested
each to appoint an equal number of members of a Commission to
make a complete re-study and re-evaluation of the philosophy and
practice of the finances of the public school system; and be it further
Resolved, That this Commission when appointed be of such size
and composition as to be fairly representative of all interests and
sections of the State of Maryland, containing persons who are con-
versant with school problems and other public affairs; and be it
Resolved, That the Commission be requested to submit its report
and recommendations to the Governor and to the Legislative Coun-
cil not later than October 1, 1960, in order that the report and rec-
ommendations then may be considered at the 1961 Session of the
General Assembly of Maryland.
Approved March 23, 1960.
No. 17
(House Joint Resolution 8)
House Joint Resolution directing the Legislative Council to study
and report, with recommendations, for a comprehensive program
for future State revenue resources,
WHEREAS, The Committee on Taxation and Fiscal Matters of the
Legislative Council has completed a study entitled "A Long-Range
Projection of Maryland State General Fund Revenues and Appro-
priations" and has recommended that "the study be extended in order
to obtain a long-range view of the problem of future needs of govern-
ment within the State of Maryland and of the total revenue resources
which may be available to meet those needs"; and
WHEREAS, Many of the counties and municipalities of the State
are searching for additional sources of revenue to support the cost
of local government, including public education, without requiring
excessive use of the property tax; and
WHEREAS, There has not been a truly comprehensive study of
State aid, shared taxes, and local taxing powers since the Report of
the Maryland Commission on the Distribution of Tax Revenues,
generally known as the Sherbow Commission, in 1946; now therefore
be it
EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.