sub-title and for the performance of their duties hereunder, from
time to time, as in their judgment they may deem necessary and
requisite; and they may provide for the examination of applicants
for journeyman plumbers' certificates or permits, and for the issuing
of certificates or permits to journeyman plumbers after passing such
examination as said Commissioners may deem proper, said Com-
missioners designating them either "certificates" or "permits", as
they may deem proper, and they may provide for the issuing of
permits to apprentices, so that, however, said journeyman plumbers
and said apprentices shall be authorized to work only under the
direction and control of a duly certified master plumber; and that
said certificate or permits shall be so framed as to show that said
journeyman plumbers and said apprentices are authorized to work
only as above provided. Said Board may demand and receive from
each journeyman plumber the sum of [two dollars] five dollars
($5. 00) at the time of issuing of the first certificate to said journey-
man plumber, and the sum of [one dollar] two dollars ($2. 00) for the
renewal thereof each and every year thereafter, on or before the first
day of May; and said Board, at any time, may require, on any ap-
plication for renewal, any applicant to pass another examination be-
fore issuing any renewal, or may issue any renewal without requiring
any other examination, as said Board in each case, from year to year,
may deem proper; but no charge shall be made for the issuing of
permits or renewals of permits to apprentices. Said Commissioners
may fix the requirements of the competency and qualification of
applicants, whether of master plumbers or of journeyman plumbers,
as different standards, in their judgment, for different parts of the
State, and may accordingly limit the certificates so as to permit the
holder thereof to do plumbing work only in certain specified sections
of the State, as said Commissioners may determine. Whenever by any
of the general or local laws of this State it is or shall be provided
that a permit shall be granted to anyone qualified to work at the
plumbing business or to do plumbing work, however the same may be
designated or that certain appointments shall be given to or certain
duties shall be performed by one qualified to do plumbing work, or
any other reference is made to one qualified to do work which shall
be included under the term "plumbing work, " however the same shall
be designated, then such general or local laws shall be held to refer
only to one qualified to work at the plumbing business under his own
direction; that is, one holding a certificate authorized to be called a
"master plumber's certificate, " and shall not be held to refer to a
journeyman plumber or to an apprentice. Said Commissioners may
revoke any certificate or permit which, after notice to the holder and
hearing, they may determine has been obtained by fraud or mis-
representation, or has been issued by mistake or inadvertence, and
said Commissioners may revoke or suspend for such time as they may
deem proper the operation of any certificate or permit when the said
Commissioners, after notice to the holder and a hearing, shall deter-
mine that the holder thereof has used such certificate or permit
contrary to the provisions of this sub-title, or to any rules or regula-
tions of said Commissioners adopted in pursuance of the provisions
of this sub-title, or contrary to the limitations contained in said
certificates or permit, or has violated any of the provisions of this
sub-title. Nothing in this sub-title shall be construed to prevent incor-
porated gas companies from making connections of gas appliances
for domestic purposes. THE SAID BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS