2100 25 years £ 150] 24
2400 25 years [ 100] 180
2700 25 years [ 50] 120
3000 25 years [0 and] 60
3300 25 years 0 and
(d) Which prorata computation is made by the use of the fol-
lowing formula:
[$3000] $3300 — b c. s.
[6] 5 25
in which formula "b" represents "benefits provided by Sec. 11" and
"c. s. " represents "years of creditable service, " except that the
ratio of "c. s. divided by 25" shall not be applied to any beneficiary
who was, or member who may be retired for disability having less
than 25 years of creditable service, and
(e) Provided that the retirement allowance used in calculating
the supplementary payment shall be the total benefits provided in
Sec. 11 of this article except that it shall not be based on any op-
tional benefit chosen by the beneficiary or member, and
(f) Provided that such beneficiary or member, excepting any
person who may retire for reasons of disability, is not eligible to
receive benefits from the federal old age and survivors' insurance
system; but this subsection shall not be construed to affect or bar
any person's right to receive supplementary payments under this
article or any other laws of this State, if such person was receiving
such payments prior to June 1, 1958.
116(7) Supplementary payments. —The board of trustees is
hereby authorized and directed, subject to the annual appropriation
of the necessary funds and in addition to those provided in accord-
ance with and in the same manner as that provided in subsections
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) of this section, and subject to the
conditions hereinafter provided, to make a supplementary payment
to any beneficiary, or member who may be retired from service in
the future, in addition to the benefits provided in Sec. 113 of this
article, on the following basis:
(a) Which is not less than the rate of the supplementary pay-
ment received by any beneficiary prior to July 1, [1956] 1959, and
(b) Which, when added to the benefits provided pursuant to Sec.
113 of this article is not less than [$1, 250] $1, 380 per
annum; provided, however, that the said beneficiary, or member who
may be retired from service in the future, is credited with 25 years
of service, and provided that any beneficiary, or member who may
be retired from service in the future, having less than 25 years of
creditable service shall have his supplemental payment reduced
in proportion to the ratio of the number of years of creditable serv-
ice divided by 25, and provided that no such reduction shall be made
for any beneficiary or member who may be retired in the future
who was retired for disability, and
(c) Which is computed pro rata on the basis of the following
condensed table: