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Session Laws, 1960
Volume 641, Page 221   View pdf image (33K)
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by such person of the Manager CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE EM-
PLOYEE of the Maryland Unsatisfied Claim and Judgment Board,
(hereinafter referred to as "Manager") or his successor, as his true
and lawful attorney upon whom may be served all lawful processes
in the action or proceeding instituted, filed or pending against him as
to which the summons was twice returned unon est". The owner-
ship or operation of an uninsured motor vehicle by any person upon
the roads and highways of Maryland as evidenced by permitting
the operation of or the operation of an uninsured motor vehicle on
any of the public highways of the State, shall be a signification of
the person's agreement that such process be of the same legal force
and validity as if served on him personally.

(b) Service of such persons shall be made by leaving a copy of the
process with a fee of $5. 00 in the hands of the Manager, or in his
office, and such service shall be sufficient service upon any person
owning or operating an uninsured motor vehicle, and such service
shall be sufficient service upon the person, and of full force and
effect on any court and before any justice of the peace or trial
magistrate of this State; provided that notice of such service and a
copy of the declaration-^
OR cause of action,

[See page image for strike through]

shall forthwith
be sent by registered mail by the plaintiff or his attorney to the
defendant and the defendant's return receipt and the plaintiff's or
his attorney's affidavit of compliance herewith shall be filed with
the clerk of the court or before the justice of the peace or trial
magistrate in which said proceedings are pending.

(c) Action if registered notice not received. —But in the event
such return receipt is not returned to the plaintiff or the plaintiff's
attorney, signed by the defendant, then notice of such service and a
copy of the declaration
OR cause of action

[See page image for strike through]

, shall be served
upon the defendant by any person authorized to serve process under
the law of the jurisdiction in which the defendant may be found;
and when a declaration, cause of action or titling^ in any such action
shall have been filed in court or before a justice of the peace or
trial magistrate and service of process made upon the Manager, and
notice thereof and a copy of said declaration, cause of action or
titling sent to the defendant, and the defendant's return receipt,
together with the affidavit of compliance, or an affidavit of com-
pliance, or an affidavit by the person making the service on the
defendant, that a notice of such service and a copy of declaration,
cause of action or titling have been served upon the defendant by a
person authorized to serve process under the law of the jurisdiction
in which the defendant shall have been found, filed with the clerk
of the court or before justice of the peace or trial magistrate as
hereinabove provided.

(d) Defendant must answer suit within sixty days. — The de-
fendant shall plead to said declaration, cause of action or titling with-
in sixty days from the date of delivery of said notice of service and
copy of the declaration
OR cause of action

[See page image for strike through]

noted upon said
return receipt, or from the date of service of process upon said de-
fendant by a person authorized, under the law of the jurisdiction in
which the defendant shall have been found, to serve process.

(e) Judgment by default. —And if the defendant shall fail to so
plead, judgment by default shall be entered against him by the
court or clerk thereof or by the justice of the peace, or trial magis-


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Session Laws, 1960
Volume 641, Page 221   View pdf image (33K)
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