956 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 572
of said court and by him be preserved as other proceedings of the
said court are kept.
(c) When said list of names, selected as directed by this section
is made and certified as hereinbefore provided, immediately there-
upon the judge or judges of said court, in the presence of the mem-
bers of the bar as aforesaid, and such other persons as may attend,
of the said list of [two hundred and forty] three hundred names,
shall select and appoint one who shall be foreman of the grand jury,
and shall cause all the names selected and placed on the list aforesaid,
except the name of the foreman, to be legibly written on ballots of
equal size and the same color and appearance, which shall be closely
folded and placed by said judge or judges, with their own hands,
immediately before the drawing herein provided for, into a cubiform
box of the square of twenty inches, to be procured for that purpose
by the clerk of said court, under the direction of the judge or judges
of said court, which box shall have seven compartments or drawers,
which shall be numbered to correspond with the numbers of the re-
spective election districts of said county; and the names of the per-
sons so selected as aforesaid, except name of the foreman, shall be
placed by the judge or judges in the compartments or drawers as
follows: The names selected from the First Election District in
number one; the names from the Second Election District in number
two; the names from the Third Election District in number three;
the names from the Fourth Election District in number four; the
names from the Fifth Election District in number five; the names
from the Sixth Election District in number six; and the names from
the Seventh and Eighth Election Districts in number seven; and
after so depositing the said ballots, the said box shall be closed, and
the judge or judges shall cause the Clerk of said Circuit Court, or
one of his deputies, whom the said judge or judges shall designate
then and there in the presence of said judge or judges, and such
other persons as may choose to be present, to draw, without looking
into the same, from said box [forty-seven] seventy-two names as
follows: [Six] Nine names from compartment number one; [six]
ten from number two; [seven] twelve from number three; [seven]
twelve from number four; [seven] twelve from number five; [nine]
eleven from number six; and [six] seven from number seven; pro-
vided that after the foreman has been selected the district of his
residence shall be carefully noted, and at said drawing one less name
than above provided shall be drawn from the compartment repre-
senting the district in which he resides [in order that the same num-
ber of names may be drawn from each district as before March 27,
1902], and the names appearing on said ballots so drawn shall be
recorded by the clerk of the said court, or one of his deputies, in the
presence of the said judge or judges in the order drawn; and there-
upon said judge or judges shall forthwith order a venire facias
directed to the sheriff of said county commanding him to summon as
jurors, to attend at the next ensuing term of said court, on the first
day thereof, the several persons whose names may be drawn as afore-
said, and also the foreman selected as aforesaid; and if any of the
persons so drawn and embraced in said venire facias should be dead,
sick or otherwise unable to attend, or should be absent and there-
fore not to be found, it shall be the duty of said sheriff forthwith to
return the fact of such death, disability or absence to the judge or
judges, who shall thereupon cause to be drawn from the compart-
ment or drawer from which the name of the person so dead, sick,