36 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 29
the [president of either] Board of Medical Examiners shall have re-
fused any application, either for want of the qualifications necessary
to entitle such applicant to an examination, as hereinbefore provided,
or for want of proficiency of such applicant upon being subjected to
an examination, then the [president of neither of said boards]
Board shall not entertain or pass upon a subsequent application from
said applicant until after the expiration of six months from the re-
jection of said previous application. The [respective boards are]
Board is authorized to license without examination applicants who
present proper certificates of proficiency and professional standing
at the time of application issued by the National Board of Medical
Examiners or boards of medical examiners of the District of
Columbia and of other States, the requirements of which are of as
high a standard as those governing the Board [s] of Medical Ex-
aminers of this State; provided such boards of such States or Dis-
trict grant the same privileges to licentiates of the examining board
[s] of Maryland; such applicants, however, from the National Board
and the District of Columbia and other States still being required to
furnish the same proof of qualifications required of other applicants
by this section. [Either examining] The Board may, in its discretion,
grant a license upon a special examination to a physician or surgeon
from another State, the District of Columbia, or a foreign country,
provided the applicant has met all the preliminary and professional
qualifications required for obtaining a license by examination in this
State, has been in reputable practice for a period of ten years, and
has reached a position of conceded eminence and authority in his
profession. Medical students, at the end of their second year of
study, who have, as verified by the certificate of the dean of the
college which they have attended, completed the studies of anatomy,
physiology, bacteriology and medical chemistry in said college, shall
on suitable application approved by the Board be examined in such
studies by the State licensing board, the result of said examination
to be considered as a part of the final examination, the full regular
fee to be paid at this time, no part thereof to be returned, but placed
to their credit for the remainder of the examination yet to be taken.
Medical students who have, as verified by the certificate of the dean
of the college which they have attended, completed a full four years'
course of studies and lectures, but who have not yet received their
diplomas, shall upon suitable application approved by the Board be
examined in all the branches enumerated in Section 121 of this Article
by the State licensing board, the final certificate and license of the
said Board being withheld until the diploma of the proper medical
college, with the candidate's name inscribed, be [produced], pre-
sented to the secretary of the Board.
123. All examinations shall be conducted in such manner that the
name, school of graduation and preparatory training of said appli-
cant shall not be made known to the Board of Examiners until his
examination papers have been graded. [An applicant receiving a
majority of the votes of the board before whom the applicant ap-
pears shall be considered to have passed a satisfactory examination
and entitled to the license of said board.] An applicant who receives
the required grade as set by the Board shall be entitled to the license
of the Board.
124. A fee of Thirty-five Dollars shall be paid to the secretary-
treasurer of the Board, [before whom the applicant appears,] before
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