Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor 1519
Commission upon proper petition to the Circuit Court for said county
shall be allowed any balance from said surplus, and shall be a pre-
ferred lienor to the extent of its lien; and for the purpose of giving
notice to the general public as to existing liens and charges against
any property within any sanitary district abutting upon any water
or sewer main, the said Commission shall keep a public record of
all names of owners of property, locations of said property, lot num-
bers when of record, and the amount of such benefit charges, water
service charges or such other charges that may become liens from
time to time. Said records shall be kept in the County Seat of gov-
ernment and among the land records of St. Mary's County, and the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for said county shall furnish such space as
may be necessary to keep and preserve such records, which, when
recorded in said public record, shall be legal notice of all existing
liens within any sanitary district. If any liens, benefit assessments
or other charges remain unpaid for sixty (60) days after becoming
due, they may be collected by an action of assumpsit or by a bill in
equity to enforce such liens, and any judgment or decree obtained,
where the defendants have been served by subpoena, or in any other
manner provided by law, shall have the force and effect of a judgment
in personam; and the Commission may sue, or file a bill in equity
to enforce said liens against the owner of record at the time said
levy was made, or the owner of record at the time said suit is filed
or any owner of record between said dates, and publication thereon
shall be notice to all persons having any interest in said property.
183. The Commission shall provide for each and every property
abutting upon a street or right-of-way in which under this Act a
water main or sewer is laid, a water service pipe or sewer connec-
tion, which shall be extended as required, from the water main or
sewer to the property line of the abutting lot, said service pipe or
connection with sewer shall be constructed by and at the sole expense
of the Commission, but subject to reasonable charge for said con-
nection as provided in Section 11 of this sub-title, which said charge
shall be paid by all property owners at the office of the Commission
before the actual connection with any pipe or private property is
made. When any water main or sewer is declared by said Com-
mission complete and ready for the delivery of water or the recep-
tion of sewage, every abutting property owner, after due notice,
shall make a connection of all spigots or hydrants, toilets and waste
drains with said water main or sewer within the time prescribed by
the Commission. Where the aforesaid fixtures do not exist, or are
of a nature which, in the judgment of the Commission, is improper
or inadequate, satisfactory equipment shall be installed by the owner
on the premises consisting of at least one water closet and one sink
or wash basin, both of which shall be properly connected with the
sewer of said Metropolitan Commission. All cesspools, sink drains
and privies located on properties connected to sewers provided by
the Commission shall be abandoned, closed and left in a sanitary
condition so that no odor or nuisance shall arise therefrom. Any
violation of the provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor
punishable under Section 21 of this sub-title.
184. Before any plumbing, water works, or sewer construction is
done in any building or upon any private property within any sani-
tary district the person, the firm or corporation doing the same shall
first obtain a permit from the Commission and pay therefor such