1396 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 770
or catch fish, oysters or crabs in any manner whatever in the waters
of the Potomac River unless he be a citizen of Maryland or of Vir-
ginia, and shall have been a resident of the State of which he is a
citizen for twelve months immediately preceding. Any such non-
resident violating this section shall be subject to a fine of Five
Hundred Dollars; furthermore, any vessel, with its equipment and
cargo, or any net or other appliances used in violating this section,
shall be deemed forfeited to the State of Maryland.
302. Any citizen of Maryland or of Virginia desiring to fish for
market or profit with a pound net, fyke net, gill net, haul seine,
sturgeon net, skirt net, weir or other device, in the waters of Potomac
River, shall first apply to the regularly constituted officer [as de-
termined by the laws or regulations] of the State of [which he is
resident, and in the district or locality in which said applicant re-
sides, except that the applicant for license to fish with the fixed device
shall apply to the officer of the district or locality in which such fixed
device is proposed to be located for a license] Maryland, and state
on oath the true name or names of the person or persons applying for
said license; that they are and have been for twelve months next pre-
ceding residents of the State [in] from which such application has
been made; the place at which the net, seine, fyke, weir or other
device is to be fished, and that during the period of the license he
will not violate any of the laws of the State [in which he resides
in relation to the taking and catching of fish] of Maryland; provided,
nothing in this section shall apply to any person using a net solely
for the purpose of supplying his own table. Such oyster inspector
or other authorized officer shall thereupon grant license to use such
net or other device, and state in such license the name or names of
the person or persons who shall use the same, the place at which it
is to be located or used, the season for which said license is granted,
which season shall begin on the first day of February in any year and
end on the thirty-first day of January of the year following and the
amount of tax as prescribed by the laws of the State [where issued]
of Maryland.
Any citizen of either Maryland or Virginia desiring to take or
catch crabs from the waters of the Potomac River by any method,
or any person desiring to engage in the business of buying crabs for
picking or canning or shipping the same, shall pay to the oyster
inspector or other designated official [in the district in which he
resides] of the State of Maryland such specific license tax as is pre-
scribed by the State of [which he is a resident] Maryland.
If any person shall use or set, or cause to be used or set, any such
net or seine as aforesaid, or shall take or catch crabs in the waters of
the Potomac River within the jurisdiction of the State of Maryland
[or Virginia] without having first paid the tax and obtained the
license provided for under the laws of [the] this State [in which
such net is set or crabs are taken], he shall be deemed guilty of a
violation of the provisions of this section, and shall, for each such
violation, be fined not less than Ten Dollars nor more than Two
Hundred Dollars, and shall forfeit to the State of Maryland such
net or other fishing devices used in said violations.
It shall be unlawful for any person to use a haul seine or pound
net head or pocket having a smaller mesh than two inches, stretched
measure, for the purpose of catching food fish. Any net having a