1364 Laws of Maryland [C.h. 749
condition not inferior to, that existing before said highway was torn
up, and that all costs incident thereto shall be borne by the Com-
204S. Any employee or agent of the Commission shall have the
right of entry, at all reasonable hours upon any private premises and
into any building, in such sanitary district, while in pursuit of his
official duties, upon first presenting (proper credentials from the Com-
mission, and any restraint or hindrance offered to such entry by any
owner or tenant, or agent of said owner or tenant, or any other per-
son, shall be a misdemeanor punishable under Section 204U of this
204T. All individuals, firms or corporations having buildings,
conduits, pipes, tracks, poles or other structures or obstructions in,
on, over, under or through any public road, street or alley of any
sanitary district, or any portion of Charles County outside of any
sanitary district, which shall block or impede the construction and
establishment of the Commission's water supply, sewerage or drain-
age systems, or other works, shall upon reasonable notice from the
Commission, promptly so shift, adjust, accommodate or remove such
structures or obstructions as to fully meet the exigencies occasioning
such action; provided, however, that the costs of such changes shall be
borne and paid for by the Commission. Every public service corpo-
ration, company or individual before it or they shall begin any exca-
vation or construction in any street, road, alley or public highway
within any sanitary district shall file with the Commission plans of
such work and construction showing the location and depth in such
street, road, alley or public highway of the proposed main, conduit,
pole, pipe or other structure, and such construction or work shall not
be begun until said plan shall have been approved by the Commis-
sion, nor shall any change be made in said approved plan or in the
work or construction as shown upon said plan, except on further
approval of the Commission. Whenever any main, conduit, pole, pipe
or other structure is put in without the filing of plans with the Com-
mission and the approval thereof by it, or when any change is made
in the location of such main, conduit, pipe, pole or other structure
as shown upon the plans approved by the Commission, or any
approved change therein, the Commission may, if and when such
conduit, main, pipe or pole, or other structure, interferes with the
construction of or operation of its water or sewerage system, or
other works, remove such conduit, main, pipe, pole or other struc-
tures or change the location thereof at the cost and expense of the
party so putting them in, or their heirs, assigns, or successors, and
without any liability upon the part of the Commission for damage
that might be done to the same by reason of the Commission's opera-
tion in constructing or maintaining its systems or works. Any viola-
tion of the provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor punish-
able under Section 204U of this sub-title.
204U. Every act or omission designated as a misdemeanor in this
sub-title, unless otherwise provided, shall be punishable by any trial
magistrate of the Circuit Court of the county within which such
offense is committed, and the offender shall, upon conviction, be sub-
ject to a fine of not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or to
confinement for not more than thirty (30) days in the county jail, or
both, in the discretion of the magistrate or Circuit Court. Where such