1354 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 749
the sale of said bonds, but not more than one year's interest may be
so expended.
In order that the prompt payment of interest and the proper pro-
vision for the payment of the principal of said bonds shall be assured,
the prompt and proper performance of the respective acts and duties
heretofore defined is specifically enjoined, and any failure upon the
part of any person, persons, body corporate or agent to perform the
necessary acts and duties hereafter set forth, to pay over the said
funds as required, or to use said funds or any part thereof for any
other purpose than for the payment of the principal and interest on
said bonds, is hereby declared a misdemeanor and punishable as other
misdemeanors are punishable by Section 204U of this sub-title. Like-
wise whenever any part of any sewerage or water plant shall need
to be enlarged, rebuilt or re-equipped whether due to increased use,
obsolescence, exhaustion or otherwise, and no new assessable front
foot benefits arise therefrom or such as may arise do not fairly repre-
sent all the benefits of such new re-equipment or enlargement since
it serves in whole or in part territories already assessed on a front
foot basis for the service to which such new re-equipment or enlarge-
ment is an improvement, then if the depreciation and other reserves
applicable to this plant improvement plus any newly assessable front
foot benefits (if any) are not sufficient to construct or finance such
re-equipment or enlargement, the Commission may certify to the
Board of County Commissioners the deficiency, the assessable value
of the sanitary district or districts to be served by such re-equipment
or enlargement and an ad valorem tax not to exceed ten cents per
one hundred dollars of assessable value and the Board of County
Commissioners may levy such tax on the assessable property within
the district or districts benefited.
Whenever the plans and specifications for water supply,
sewerage or drainage systems for any sanitary district shall have
been completed and the Commission shall have decided after oppor-
tunity for a hearing has been given to proceed with the construc-
tion thereof, it shall advertise, by notice in one newspaper published
in said County and such newspapers and technical press as it may
deem proper, for bids for the construction of said system or sys-
tems, in part or as a whole, as in its judgment may appear advis-
able. The contract shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, or
the Commission may reject any and all bids, and, if in its discretion
the prices quoted are unreasonable or unbalanced, it may re-adver-
tise the work or any part of it or may do any part or all of the work
by day labor; provided that at any time the Commission may, in its
discretion, expend by day labor for construction work an amount
not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) without advertis-
ing or receiving bids. All such contracts shall be protected by such
bonds, penalties and conditions as the Commission may require, all
of which shall be enforced in any court having jurisdiction.
204H. For the purpose of paying the interest and principal of
the bonds issued by said Commission as in this sub-title provided
for the water supply, sewerage or drainage systems to be con-
structed, purchased or established under this sub-title, the said Com-
mission is hereby empowered to establish a proper and reasonable
charge for connection with said water supply, sewerage and drain-
age system so to be constructed, purchased or established as afore-