Theodore E. McKeldin, Governor 1245
each county issuing the same are hereby authorized and directed to
levy in each and every year in which any of said bonds are outstand-
ing upon the taxable basis of said county a tax sufficient in rate and
amount (a) if said bonds are issued in series maturing at stated
periods and a portion of the principal is made payable annually, to
pay the interest and the portion of the principal payable in such year;
or (b) if said bonds are not issued in series, but are payable or re-
deemable in whole at a fixed date of maturity, to pay the interest on
said bonds in such year and to produce a sum sufficient to accumulate
a sinking fund for the redemption and payment of said bonds at
maturity. The proceeds of such levy when collected and paid shall be
used for such purposes and for no other purpose than that for which
such levy was made; provided, however, that if the interest on such
bonds matures before the levy, or before a sufficient amount of taxes
levied for the purpose of paying said interest is collected, the said
Board of County Commissioners or County Council may pay said
interest out of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds.
(e) Rental of Voting Machines. The Board of Supervisors of
Elections in each county shall have the power to rent or lease voting
machines to any municipal corporation, special tax area or other
political sub-division in that county, for use in any election or refer-
endum vote in such municipal corporation, special tax area or other
political sub-division. Such rental or lease shall be on such terms
and conditions as may be determined by the Board of Supervisors
of Elections. The Board of Supervisors of Elections shall account for
and pay over to the Board of County Commissioners or County Coun-
cil all monies received in payment for rentals or leases made under
this section, within thirty days after the receipt thereof. Every mu-
nicipal corporation, special tax area or other political sub-division
in the State is hereby authorized and empowered to rent or lease
voting machines in this manner, and to use the same in any election
or referendum vote within its corporate limits or boundaries, any
law, ordinance or resolution to the contrary notwithstanding.
(f) Bonds Tax Free. The bonds issued under the provisions of
this section, their transfer and the income therefrom (including any
profit made on the sale thereof) shall at all times be free from taxa-
tion by the State of Maryland or any of its political sub-divisions,
or by any town or incorporated municipality or any other public
agency within the State.
(g) Application of Section. The provisions of this section shall be
deemed to provide an additional and alternative method for the doing
of the things authorized hereby, and shall be regarded as supple-
mental and additional to any powers conferred by other laws, and
shall not be regarded as in derogation of any powers now existing.
All laws or parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this
section are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.
121. Mechanical Requirements of Voting Machines. Every voting
machine acquired or used as above provided shall:
(a) Provide facilities for voting for such candidates as may be
nominated and upon such questions as may be submitted;
(b) Permit each voter, in one operation, to vote for all the candi-
dates of one party for presidential electors;