An Act to Incorporate the Mechanical Benevolent Society of Cheater Torn, Ma-
Whereas William C. Lassell, Samuel M. Cloak, Samuel Leo-
nard, George Meal, Samuel Mansfield, James Dawson, James Mans-
field, Thomas Barritt, Adam Edgar, John Etherington, John Har-
rison, John Magnor, Jonathan Harris, Richard P. Seymour, James
Coleman, Benjamin Greenwood, Thomas Walker, junior, James
Claypoole, Isaiah Coleman, David M. Smith, John Robinson, Tho-
mas Murphey, James C. Lassell, Robert Love, William Morrison,
Jesse Vickers, William N. Sharkey, James Claypoole, junior, Da-
niel Collins, Thomas Davis, and Joseph Redue, have, formed them-
Reives into a society with the charitable, view of affording relief to
the distressed widows and orphans of members of the said society,
and for other laudable purposes, and have prayed an act of incor-
poration; and the legislature being desirous of promoting such be-
nevolent and humane undertakings have granted the same, there-
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Wil-
liam C. Lassell, Samuel M. Cloak, Samuel Leonard, George. Neal,
Samuel Mansfield, James Dawson, James Mansfield, Thomas
Barritt, Adam Edgar, John Etherington, John Harrison, John
Magnor, Jonathan Harris, Richard P. Seymour, James Coleman,
Benjamin Greenwood, Thomas Walker, junior, James Claypoole,
Isaiah Coleman, David M. Smith, John Robinson, Thomas Mur-
phey, James C. Lassell, Robert Love, William Morrison, Jesse
Vickers, William N. Sharkey, James Claypoole, junior, Daniel
Collins, Thomas Davis, Joseph Redue, and all others that may
hereafter become subscribers and contributors to the said corpora-
tion herein erected, and may be admitted into the said corporation
agreeably to the rules and by-laws of the same, are hereby declar-
ed to be one community, corporation and body politic, for ever, by
the name of The Mechanical Benevolent Society of Chester Town,
Maryland, and by the same name, they and their successors shall
and may have perpetual succession, and shall and may, at all
times hereafter be persons able and capable in law to purchase, take,
have and enjoy, to them and their successors, in fee or less estate
or estates, any lands, tenements, rents, annuities, chattels, bank,
stock, registered debt, or other public securities within this state,
by the gift, bargain, sale or devise, of any person or persons, bo-
dies politic or corporate, capable to make the same, and the same
at their pleasure to sell, transfer or loan, in such manner as they
may judge most conducive to the benevolent and charitable uses of
said society; Provided nevertheless, that the said corporation or bo-
dy politic, shall not at any one time hold or possess property real,
personal or mixed, exceeding in total value the sum of twenty
thousand dollars current money.
Passed Jan 4, 1829
Subscribers incor-