rer, to refund the aforesaid sum of money in case a certificate should at any time
be produced to the treasurer acknowledging that on the twenty-ninth day of June
seventeen hundred anil eighty-one, Benjamin Nicholson, executor of John
Ridgely, paid to the treasurer, for James Russell, the sum of forty-seven pounds
three shillings and two pence, by virtue of an art passed at October session seven-
teen hundred and eighty, entitled, An act for calling out of circulation the quota
of the state bills of credit, emitted by acts of assembly under the old government,
and by the resolves of the convention.
Passed Feb 14 1820
In favour of the
No. 63.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to John Brewer,
clerk of the house of delegates, to John N. Watkins, clerk of the senate, to
Peter Webb, assistant clerk of the house of delegates, and to Thomas J. Slice,
assistant clerk of the senate, the sum of one hundred dollars each, as an addi-
tional compensation for their extraordinary services during the present session.
Passed Feb 14 1820
Relative to bro-
kers and lottery
office keepers
No. 64.
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby requested,
to direct the district attorney for Baltimore city court, to take immediately such
legal measures as he shall deem necessary, to enforce the execution of the provi-
sions of the act, entitled, An act providing for the increase of the revenue of this
state, by laying a tax on brokers and lottery office keepers.
Passed Feb 14 1820
In favour of Wi1-
liam Byas
No. 65.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Williams Byas, of
Dorchester county, or to his order, annually, in quarterly payments, the half pay
of a Boatswain, during life, as a compensation for his services during the revo-
lutionary war.
Passed Feb 14 1820
Kilty's laws to be
forwarded to Se-
cretary of State
No. 66.
Resolved, That the governor and council be requested to purchase two co-
pies of Kilty's Laws of Maryland, and to forward the same to the secretary of
state of the United States, for the use of his department, and that the treasurer of
the western shore be and he is hereby directed, to pay to the order of the go-
vernor and council, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, the
amount of the expenses which may be incurred by the executive in carrying
into effect the objects of this resolution.
Passed Feb 14 1820
In favour of Benj.
Pindell and others
No. 67.
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorised
and empowered, to examine into the claims of Benjamin Pindell, Alemby Jump,
Henry Wayman and Richard Warters, agents appointed for the collection of the
public arms, camp equipage, &c. and allow each of them such sum as they may
think reasonable and just, for performing the duties prescribed to them and al-
ready performed, and draw on the treasury of the western shore for such sum as
may appear due them, and to institute a suit or suits against such of the agents,
as may appear to be indebted to the state, for such sum or sums of money as they
may appear to owe, and that the money when so received shall be deemed as part
of the funds of the state.
Passed Feb 14 1820
In favour of the
officer, of the two
No. 68.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to John Quynn,
door-keeper to the house of delegates, the sum of sixty dollars, to Gotleb J.
Grammer, messenger to the senate the sum of thirty dollars, to Henry Coulter,
door-keeper to the senate, the sum of thirty dollars, for taking care of the furni-
ture of their respective rooms.
Passed Feb 14 1820
Further allowance
to the members
and officers.
No. 69.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to each attending
member of the legislature, eight dollars, and to the president of the senate and
speaker of the house of delegates, ten dollars each, tor two days attendance since
the journal of accounts was closed, and eight dollars to each of the clerks, and
other officers now attending the two branches of the said legislature, and that the
committee of claims furnish the treasurer with a list of all the attending mem-
bers, clerks, and other officers, and that the said treasurer pay to James Munroe,
post master, nine dollars, for postage on public packages and letters, in addition
to the sum allowed him on the journal of accounts.
Passed Feb 14 1820
Respecting the
surviving officers
of the revolution-
ary war
No. 70.
Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Maryland, That the claim
of the surviving officers of the revolutionary army of the United States, for an
equitable settlement of the half pay for life, as the same is stated in the memorial
of their solicitor to congress, is a claim of strict equity, and that the senators
and representatives of this state in congress, be requested to aid in obtaining «
compliance therewith.