of money not exceeding fifty dollars, for the support of Joseph Mankin of said
county, so long as they may think necessary.
Passed Jan 29 1820
Relative to the go-
vernment house
No. 18.
Resolved, That the governor be and he is hereby authorised, to appoint and
remove at pleasure, some trusty person to take charge of the government-house,
and the public property connected therewith, during his absence from the seat of
government, and at all times to be under his directions in taking care of the gar-
den, and in the performance of such other services as he may require of such
person, and to allow such person such reasonable compensation as he may think
right and proper.
Passed Jan 29 1820
Laws to be for-
warded to secreta-
ry of state.
No. 19.
Resolved, That the governor be and he is hereby authorised and requested,
. to forward to the secretary of state of the United States, annually, four sets of
the laws of the state of Maryland, for the use of his department.
Passed Feb 12 1820
In favour of John
No. 20.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to John Staples, or
to his order, for life, in quarter annual payments, a sum of money equal to the
half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his services rendered during
the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb 14 1820
In favour of James
No. 21.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to James Frazier, of Dorchester county, an old soldier in the revo-
lutionary war, or to his order, annually for life, in quarterly payments, a sum of
money equal to the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for those ser-
vices by which his country has been so essentially benefitted.
Passed Feb 12 1820
In favour of Wm.
No. 22.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to William Jones,
formerly of Prince-George's county, now residing in the state of Virginia, or to
his order, in quarter annual payments, for life, the halt pay of a private, as a re-
muneration for his services during the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb 12 1820
In favour of Jo-
seph Bush
No. 23.
Resolves, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Joseph Bush, of
Talbot county, or to hi order, for life, in quarter annual payments, the half pay
of a private, as a remuneration for his services during the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb 12 1820
In favour of Benj.
No. 24.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to Benjamin Greentree, of Montgomery county, or his order, in
quarterly payments, during life, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a pri-
vate, in consideration of his revolutionary services.
Passed Feb 12 1820
In favour of Tho-
mas Duffee
No. 25.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Thomas Duffee, of
Harford county, or to his order, for life, in quarter annual payments, the half pay
of a sergeant, as a remuneration for his services during the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb 12 1820
In favour of Tho-
mas Lloyd.
No. 26.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Thomas Lloyd, of
the city of Philadelphia, for life, in quarter annual payments, the half pay of a
private, as a remuneration lor his services during the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb 12 1820
In favour of John
No. 27.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to John Lucas, of Anne Arundel county, an old revolutionary
soldier, or to his order, annually, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal
to the half pay of a sergeant, as a further remuneration, for those services rendered
his country during her struggle for independence.
Passed Feb 12 1820
In favour of Isaac
No. 28.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby direct-
ed, to pay to Isaac Kent, of the state of Ohio, an old soldier in the revolutionary
war, and of the Maryland line, or to his order, annually, for life, in quarterly
payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a further remu-
neration for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted.
Passed Feb 12 1820
In favour of Wm.
No. 29.
Resolved. That the treasurer of the western shore pay to William Rigby, of
Fairfield county, state of Ohio, or to his order, for life, in quarter annual pay-
ments, the half pay of quarter-master sergeant, as a remuneration for his services
during the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb 12 1820
In favour of Wm.
No. 30.
Resolved. That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby au-
thorised and directed, to pay to William Groves, of Allegany county, late a pri-