An Act laying duties on Licenses to Retailers of Dry Goods, and for other purposes.
1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That every
person who shall deal in the selling of any goods, wares or mer-
chandize, except such as are of the growth, produce, or manufac-
ture of the United States, and except such as are sold by the im-
porter thereof in the original rank, case, box or package, wherein
the same shall have been imported, shall be deemed to be, and here-
by is declared to be, a retail dealer in merchandize within the mean-
ing of this act.
2. And be it enacted, That every person who, on the first day of
August next, shall be a retail dealer as above described or defined,
shall, before the said day, and every person who after the said day
Shall become, or intend to become such retail dialer as aforesaid,
shall, before he shall begin to sell by retail as aforesaid, any mer-
chandize, apply for and obtain from the clerk of the county in which
such person resides, a licence for carrying on the business of sell-
ing by retail as aforesaid, which license shall be granted for the
term of one year, upon the payment of the duty of eight dollars
for such license, and shall be renewed yearly upon the payment of
the like sum; and if any person shall, after the said day, deal in the
selling of merchandize by retail as above described and di fined,
without having a license therefor as aforesaid, continuing in force,
such person shall, in addition to the payment of the duty, forfeit
and pay the sum of one hundred dollars, to be recovered by indict-
ment, one half for the use of the informer, and the other half for
the use of the state, and no such license shall be sufficient for the
selling of merchandize by retail at more than one place at the same
3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the treasurers
of the respective shores, under the direction of the governor and
council, to furnish the clerks of the several counties within this
state, with blank licenses, which licenses shall be signed by the
treasurer of the shore where such retail dealers in merchandize re-
side, and being countersigned by the clerk who shall issue the same,
shall be granted to any person who shall desire the same, upon the
payment of the sum or duty payable by this act for such license, and
fifty cents to such clerk for making out or renewing such license;
Provided always, and it is hereby expressly understood, that the
license so as aforesaid granted shall not be deemed to authorise the
person obtaining the same to sell wines, rum, brandy, whiskey, or
other distilled spirituous liquors.
4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the clerks of the
several counties, to transmit annually, on or before the first day
of October, a list of all such licenses granted in their respective
counties, to the treasurer of their respective shores, and also to pay
all money by them respectively received for such licenses, to the
said treasurer, on or before the first day of November annually.
5. And be it enacted, That any person obtaining a license for the
retailing of wine, rum, brandy, whiskey, or other distilled spiri-
tuous liquor, under the laws of the state, shall be authorised and
empowered to retail merchandize, without obtaining any license
for that purpose as prescribed by the second section of this act, and
without the payment of any additional tax or duty.
chap. 184.
Passed Feb 14 1820
What person shall
be declared a re-
tail dealer in mer-
' To obtain from
clerk of county
a license for one
year, &c
Treasurer to fur-
nish clerks with
blank licenses
Clerks to trans-
mit list of licenses
granted, to trea-
Persons having
obtained licenses
for retailing li-
quors not to pay
additional duty