tribution, to pay the debts or the deceased, then and in that case it
shall be the duty of the justice of the peace to transmit the proceed-
ings in relation thereto to the next county court of the county in
which such justice shall reside, and the said court shall proceed to
give judgment thereon, according to the law of the land, and the
right and equity of the case.
CHAP. 167.
An Act to authorise and empower the Levy Court of Anne-Arundel County to
assess and levy a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
levy court of Anne-Arundel county, be and they are hereby directed
to inquire into the claim of the executors of Walter Clagett, deceas-
ed, relative to three hogsheads of tobacco which was sold by the
inspector at Beard's warehouse, in said county, on account of no
person claiming the same, and for the purpose of paying the ware-
house rent due on said tobacco; and if it shall be made to appear
to their satisfaction, by the production of the certificate granted by
the inspector or otherwise, that the said Walter Clagett, deceased,
was the owner of said tobacco, and that the same was sold by order
of the levy court of said county, and the money applied to the use
of said county, then and in that case they are hereby authorised
and empowered to assess and levy on the assessable property of said
county, the amount received by the levy court for said tobacco, and
after deducting the expenses for warehouse rent, and so forth, to
pay the balance to the executors of the said Walter Clagett, or to
their order.
Passed Feb 14, 1820
Court authorised
to inquire into
claim of executors
of Walter Clag-
gett, &c.
A Supplement to act, entitled, An act to incorporate a Company under the name
of the Hydrant Company of Port-Tobacco.
WHEREAS the last general assembly of Maryland passed an act
to incorporate a company under the name of The Hydrant Com-
pany of Port Tobacco; And whereas in the said act there is no ap-
peal to the county court reserved to any person or persons who may
consider him or themselves aggrieved by any imposition or tax which
the said corporation may impose: And whereas sundry inhabitants
of the said town have petitioned this legislature, complaining of an
oppressive tax laid by the said corporation; and as it is necessary
and just that some tribunal should be authorised to hear and inquire,
into such alleged grievances, so that if there be cause, that the same
may be corrected, therefore,
1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for the county court of Charles county,
upon the petition of any person or persons complaining of any il-
legal or oppressive tax, laid or to be laid by the said corporation,
to hear and inquire into the same, and to pass such order in rela-
tion thereto as the said corporation in justice ought to do, and it
shall be the duty of the corporation to conform thereto.
Passed Feb 14 1820
County court to
inquire and hear
relative to illegal
A Supplement to the act respecting Hay and Straw brought for sale to the City
of Baltimore.
1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any
hay-weigher in the city of Baltimore, or his deputy, to ask, de-
Passed Feb 14 1820
Not more than 40
cents to be receiv-
ed for wagon load
of hay, &c.