made thereon, to the said president, directors and company; Pro-
vided, that no such demand shall be made without one months pre-
vious notice being given in two of the newspapers published in
Hagers town; And provided also, that no more than one such pay-
ment shall be called for or required in the term of three months.
7. And be it enacted. That the subordinate agents shall give sa-
tisfactory security to the president of said company before they
shall be permitted to act as such.
8. And be it enacted, That the said president and directors shall
have full power and authority to make all by-laws, and regulati-
ons, for the well ordering and conducting of the business of the
company, and such by-laws, rules and regulations, to alter, and
change and annul, at their pleasure, but every such by-law, rule
or regulation, may be altered or repealed by the stockholders at a
general meeting. to be called for that purpose by any ten or more
stockholders; Provided, that there be present at such meeting stock-
holders holding one hundred shares, or their proxies, and that four
weeks previous notice be given in two of the Hagers-town news-
papers, of such meeting, and of the alteration or repeal intended
to be proposed thereat.
9. And be it enacted, That the said president and directors shall
have power to appoint and remove at their pleasure all clerks, su-
perintendants, agents or other officers, necessary for carrying on
the business of the said company; to dispose of its funds or pro-
perty in the manner hereinafter directed, and to fix and pay, out
of the funds of the said company, the compensation of all such
agents, superintendents, clerks or officers; to make such contracts,
purchases or agreements, of all such matters and things, in behalf
of the said company, and of all such privileges, permissions, rights,
and advantages of every kind and nature whatsoever, as they shall
judge necessary for completing, in an effectual and proper manner,
the introduction, distribution, and supply of water, to the town of
Williamsport, with any individual, companies, firms or corpora-
tions; and to use and dispose of any surplus water to the best in-
terest and advantage of the said company, and all such contracts
to rescind, alter, abridge, or enlarge, with consent of the parties
thereto respectively; and to lease, sell, convey, transfer and bind,
by their contracts, deeds and writing, under the hands of the presi-
dent and seal of the company, all the property, estate, common
stock, and joint funds of the said company, subject to the ratifica-
tion of the stockholders, or a majority of them, at some general
meeting, if the value of the matter in question shall exceed five
hundred dollars, but not the persons or separate property of them-
selves or any of the stockholders.
10. And be it enacted, That the said corporation may purchase
and hold, in fee simple or otherwise, all such land and real estates
suitable for the erection of the necessary works, and that may be
necessary in whole or in part, for the proper accomplishment of
their undertaking, as they shall judge proper, and nay divert from
the usual bed and course, for the purpose aforesaid, at such place
or places as they shall think fit, any stream or streams which they
may think suitable for the purpose, or any part or parts thereof,
they obtaining the consent of all persons having any right, inte-
rest or property, in the stream or streams respectively, so to be di-
CHAP. 167.
agents to give se-
President and di-
rectors to make
by-laws, &c.
Power, of presi-
dent and directors.
Corporation may
purchase and hold
lands and real es-
tate suitable for
the erection of ne-
cessary works, &