An act to alter the time of holding the County Court in So-
merset county.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland. That
from and after the passage of this act, the county court of Somer-
set county shall be held on the fourth Monday in May, and on the
fourth Monday of November in each and every year hereafter, any
law to the contrary notwithstanding, and that all causes, pleas,
process and proceedings, civil and criminal, now depending in the
said county court, or hereafter to be issued therefrom, shall be
continued and returnable to the said days respectively.
CHAP. 96.
Passed Jan 30 1819
Time of meeting
An act for shutting up part of a Street called Madison-Street,
in the City of Baltimore, and for other purposes.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Thomas W. Griffith. William Gibson, Benjamin Chew Howard.
Thomas Russell and William French, of any three or more of
them, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, and are au-
thorised and empowered to shut up that part of Madison-street,
lying between Howard and Biddle-streets, and running through
the poor-house grounds, and which ground shall thereafter be vest-
ed in the trustees of the poor-house of Baltimore county, for the
use of said poor-house; and to open and unite Madison, Garden,
Eutaw, and Price-streets, as now or lately laid off by the commis-
sioners appointed to lay off streets, lanes and alleys, in the city of
2. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall think
himself, herself or themselves, aggrieved or damaged by the shut-
ting up of the first before mentioned part of Madison-street, or by
the opening of any of the other streets aforesaid, it, shall be the
duty of the commissioners herein appointed, to examine and assess
the same, taking into their consideration the advantages and disad-
vantages; and if the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
shall be of opinion that such person or persons is or are aggrieved
or damaged by the shutting up or opening of any of the said streets,
such commissioners shall certify the amount of such damage to the
trustees of the poor-house of Baltimore county, and the said trus-
tees are hereby authorised and directed to pay the amounts so cer-
tified, or grant and convey to the person or persons so damaged,
other grounds in lieu thereof, to the satisfaction of such person or
persons, as the said trustees shall think most beneficial to the said
poor-house; Provided, that Eutaw-street shall not be so extended
without the consent of the proprietors of two-thirds of the grounds
through which the same shall pass, and that Madison street shall
not be shut up, nor the other streets opened, until such damages
are paid or tendered, or satisfied, as aforesaid.
3. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for
the trustees of the poor-house of Baltimore county, to receive re-
leases to their own use. of any lot or lots heretofore belonging to
the said poor-house, and leased by the levy court of said county,
and to make exchanges with the lessees thereof, or with any other
person or persons owning adjacent grounds, of any angles of the
poor-house grounds, separated from the poor-house, by the opening
Passed Feb. 1, 1819
Commissioners ap-
pointed to shut up
part of street.
If any person
thinks himself ag-
grieved commissi-
oners to assess the
same, &c.
Trustees of poor
to receive leases,