thousand eight hundred and eighteen, as justices of the peace for
Baltimore county, shall be as valid, and shall have the same effect
and operation in law, as if the said James Steuart and Thomas
Tenant had been duly commissioned and qualified as justices of the
peace of the state of Maryland in and for Baltimore county, ac-
cording to the law of the state of Maryland.
CHAP. 172.
An act authorising Charles Gwinn, and Company, to extend
their wharf on Commerce-street, in the City of Balti-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Charles Gwinn, and company, be and they are hereby authorised,
to erect a platform upon the west side of Commerce-street, in the
sixth ward of the city of Baltimore, in the manner delineated upon
a plat dated the fifth day of January eighteen hundred and nineteen,
signed Jehu Bouldin, marked C. G. and deposited in the mayor's
office of said city; Provided, that said extension be made in a sub-
stantial, durable, and workmanlike manner, and kept in good re-
pair, to be approved of by the port wardens; And provided, the said
Charles Gwinn and company convey to the mayor and city council
of said city, all their right, title and interest, in and to the east
side, and six feet width thereof.
2. And be it enacted, That all the wharfage accruing from the
east side of said improvement, shall be collected by the proper of-
ficer appointed by the said city for that purpose.
PassedFeb13 1819
Authorised to
erect a platform
upon west side of
Wharfage accru-
ing from east side
of improvement
to be collected by
city officer.
An act for the relief of Samuel Stevens, and Eliza his wife,
of Talbot county.
Whereas Samuel Stevens, the younger, of Talbot county, hath
represented to this general assembly, that Robert May, of Coven-
try township, in the county of Chester, state of Pennsylvania,
departed this life intestate, seized in his demesne, as of fee, among
others, of one undivided fourth part of certain lands and tenements,
belonging to Elk Forge, in the county of Cecil, state of Maryland,
which said undivided fourth part of the lands and tenements afore-
said, was upon a division of the lands and real estate of the said
Robert May among his heirs and representatives, allotted unto
Eliza M. Stevens, wife of the said Samuel Stevens, as her part of
the estate of her deceased father, the said Robert May: And where-
as certain of the children of the said Robert May, to wit, James
May, Newton May and Addison May, are under the age of twenty-
one years, and incapable to make to the said Eliza M. Stevens
a good and \alid title to the said lands and tenements: And where-
as the above, mentioned allotment hath been approved of and ratifi-
ed by Ruth May, the mother and natural guardian of the said James
May, Newton May and Addison May, as just and equitable: And
whereas by the existing laws of this state, the said Samuel and
Eliza M. Stevens are remediless in the premises, and have no
means by which to obtain a complete and perfect title to the lands
and tenements aforesaid, without the intervention of legislative aid;
Sec. 1. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That David Patten be and he is hereby appointed a trustee, to
Passed Febl5 1819
David Patten ap-
pointed trustee to
execute a deed for
certain lands to
Eliza M. Stevens.