or servant, free negro or free mulatto, contrary to the provisions of
this act, that such person or persons shall forfeit and pay the sum
of forty dollars for every such offence, to be adjudged and recover-
ed, on indictment and conviction thereof, in the county court of the
said county, the one half for the use and benefit of the informer, and
the other half for the use and benefit of the said county.
10. And be it enacted, That if, on the conviction aforesaid, the
person or persons so convicted shall fail to pay immediately the
fine aforesaid, the county court of the said county shall order the
said person or persons, so convicted, to be confined in the public
gaol of the said county for a time not exceeding three months, at
the discretion of the said county court.
11. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall coun-
terfeit or forge the signature or hand writing of any magistrate or
magistrates to any certificate or instrument of writing giving a
license to any free negro or free mulatto, to sell, buy or barter, any
article whatever, according to the fifth section of this act, that such
person or persons, for every such offence, on indictment and con-
viction thereof in the county court of the said county, shall by the
judges of the said court, if a slave, be sentenced to receive a num-
ber of lashes on his or her bare back, not exceeding forty, and if a
free person shall be ordered to be confined in the public gaol of the
said county for a time not exceeding six months.
12. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall
make it obligatory on the judges of Kent county court, or any of
them, to grant a license to retail spirituous liquors, strong beer or
cider, in Kent county, to any applicant who shall comply with the
provisions of this act, but the granting of the same shall be at the
discretion of the said judges, or any of them.
13. And be it enacted, That this law shall not be construed to pre-
vent ordinary keepers from entertaining negroes or mulattoes tra-
velling through the said county.
14. And be it enacted, That this act shall be given in charge to
the grand jury of the aforesaid county court at the beginning of
every term of the said court.
chap. 170.
On failure to pay
fine person to be
confined in gaol.
Persons counter-
feiting signature
of magistrate to
any certificate, to
be punished.
Court to grant li-
censes at their dis-
not prevented
from entertaining
negroes travelling
through county.
Act to be given in
charge to grand
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to establish a
Bank, and incorporate a Company, under the title of The
Planters Bank of Prince George's County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the concerns of the Planters Bank of Prince-George's county
shall be managed by twelve directors, and a president, the direc-
tors to be chosen annually by the stockholders, and the president
chosen by the directors at their first meeting after their annual
election, two of which said directors shall go out annually, and
two more be chosen to supply their places; and all elections shall
be by ballot; Provided always, that the president shall be re-eligible,
and if chosen out of the number of directors, his place shall be
supplied by the directors from among the stockholders.
2. And be it enacted, That the president and directors, or a ma-
jority of them, may purchase or lease real property, and cause to
be erected all necessary buildings, conveniences and securities,
for said bank, and may sell the property so purchased, when the
interest of said bank may in their view require it,
Passed Feb 9 1819
Concerns of bank,
how to be ma-
Authorised to pur-
chase or lease real
property, &c.