Dec. Ses. 1817
Gates within 5
miles of ends
of roads, toll
to be received
for that dis-
tance only.
of toll gather-
Wheels to be
charged ac-
cording to the
original tire.
Scales to be
erected to as-
certain the
weights drawn
on said toads.
14. And, be it enacted, That in case the said presidents, managers
and companies, shall establish any toll-gates within five miles of
either end of the said roads, they shall not be permitted to demand
or receive any greater toll, at either of such gate or gates, than for
five miles.
15. And be it enacted, That the said respective companies, hav-
ing perfected either of the said respective roads, or such parts
thereof from time to time as aforesaid, and the same being exam-
ined, approved and licensed, in manner aforesaid, it shall and may
be lawful for them to appoint such and so many toll-gatherers as they
shall think proper, to collect and receive, of and from all and every
person or persons using the said road, the tolls and rates hereinaf-
ter mentioned, and to stop any person riding, heading or driving,
any horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, sulkey, chair, chaise, phaeton, coach,
coachee, cart, wagon, wain, sleigh, sled, or other carriage of
pleasure or burthen, from passing through the said gate or turnpike,
until they shall have paid the same; that is to say, for every space
of ten miles in length of the said road, the following sum of money,
and so in proportion for any greater or lesser distance that the said
gates may be established to receive tolls for, or for any greater or
lesser number of sheep, hogs or cattle, viz. for every score of sheep,
one-eighth of a dollar; for every score of hogs, one-eighth of a dol-
lar; for every score of cattle, one-fourth of a dollar; for every
horse and his rider, or led horse, one-sixteenth of a dollar, for eve-
ry chair or chaise with one horse and two wheels, one-eighth of a
dollar; for every chariot, coach, stage, wagon, phaeton or chaise,
with two horses and four wheels, one-fourth of a dollar; for every
carriage of pleasure, under whatever name it may go, the like
sum, according to the number of wheels and horses drawing the
same; for every cart or wagon whose wheels do not exceed the
breadth of four inches, one-eighth of a dollar for each horse draw-
ing the same; for every cart or wagon whose wheels shall exceed
in breadth four inches and not exceeding seven inches, one sixteenth
of a dollar for every horse drawing the same; for every cart or
wagon the breadth of whose wheels shall be more than seven in-
ches and not more than ten inches, or being of the breadth' of se-
ven inches shall roll more than ten inches, five cents for every
horse drawing the same; for every cart or wagon the breadth of
whose wheels shall be more than ten inches and not exceeding
twelve inches, or being ten inches shall roll more than fifteen in-
ches, three cents for every horse drawing the same; for every cart
or wagon the breadth of whose wheels shall be more than twelve
inches, two cents for every horse drawing the same; Provided,
That no toll shall be charged on any of the said roads, until the
road is fully completed from Rockville to the line of the District
of Columbia.
16. And be it enacted, That the tolls aforesaid on wagons whose
wheels are of certain dimensions, shall be considered as chargeable
according to the original dimensions of the tire on the same, not-
withstanding the same may-have been reduced by wear below the
standard required by law.
17. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of ascertaining the
weight that may be drawn along the said road in any cart, wagon,
or other carriage of burthen, it shall and may be lawful for the said