Dec. Ses. 1817
until the assent in writing of the person or persons so injured shall
be first had and obtained, in which case the Raid assent shall be
filed with the register aforesaid, who shall record it among the
other papers herein before mentioned, after which the said street
shall be deemed and taken as a public street and highway for ever,
to all intents and purposes.
Passed Jan. 3.
Part of an act
An act to repeal an Act, entitled, An act to prevent the go-
ing at large of Geese and Swine in the Towns of Upper
Marlborough and Nottingham, in Prince-George's Coun-
ty, so far as it relates to the Town of Upper Marlborough.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the act, entitled, An act to prevent the going at large of geese
and swine in the towns of Upper Marlborough and Nottingham in
Prince-George's county, so far as it relates to the town of Upper
Marlborough, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed Jan. 2.
Act confirmed
An act to confirm an Act to alter and change all such parts of
the Constitution and Form of Government as relates to the
division of Allegany County into eight separate Election
Districts, passed at last session.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the act, entitled, An act to alter and change all such parts of the
constitution and form of government as relates to the division of
Allegany county into eight separate election districts, be and the
same is hereby confirmed to every intent and meaning thereof.
Passed Jan. 2.
ers appointed
to lay off eight
election dis-
Time of meet-
An act to appoint Commissioners for the purpose of dividing
Allegany County into Eight Election Districts-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Isaac Ozmun, William Reed, William M'Mahon, George New-
man, of Butler, and John Simkins, he and they are hereby appoint-
ed commissioners, and they, or a majority of them, are authorised
and directed to lay off Allegany county into eight separate election
districts, and to number the same, carefully making the several
districts as nearly equal as possible, having regard to population,
extent, and the convenience of the voters, and also to make choice
of a place in each district at which the elections shall be held, as
nearly central as shall be practicable, having regard to the circum-
stances aforesaid, and the accommodation of persons attendant
upon such elections; and the said commissioners shall, on or before
the first day of May next, deliver to the clerk of Allegany county
court a description, in writing, under their hands and seals, spe-
cifying plainly the boundaries and number of each district which,
shall be divided and laid off under this act. and also the place in
each district where the election for such districts shall be hereafter
held, and the. said clerk shall record the same among the records
of the county.
2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners appointed by vir-
tue of this act shall meet at the usual place of holding the county