said loan or loans shall be appropriated and applied by them to the
purchase of the site, and to the erecting of the said gaol; and to en-
sure the repayment of the said sum or sums of money, with the
interest thereon, the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
shall be and they are hereby authorised, to assign and transfer to
the lender or lenders thereof, any part or parts of the before men-
tioned assessments, to be annually collected as aforesaid, which len-
der or lenders shall in such case have all the rights and privileges
in enforcing the payment to them of the said assessments that the
commissioners would have had if such transfer had not been made.
7. And be it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid shall an-
nually render to the levy court of Washington county a particular
account of the receipts and expenditures of all monies entrusted
to them, and also the progress and state of the building until final-
ly completed.
8. And be it enacted, That when the said gaol shall be completed
and finished, the said commissioners shall, after giving two months
notice, sell the old gaol, and the ground on which it stands, to the
highest bidder, and execute a deed for the same, and apply the pro-
ceeds to the discharge of debts contracted for the building the new
gaol, and the surplus if any to be paid to the levy court for the use
of the county.
9. And be it enacted, That before the commissioners proceed to
direct the erection of the gaol aforesaid, the site selected, and the
plan proposed, shall be approved of by a majority of the judges of
Washington county court; and in case any of the said commission-
ers refuse to act, die, or resign, or remove out of the county, or be
incapable to act, the judges aforesaid shall fill up such vacancy.
10. And be it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid shall
meet at the court-house in Hager's Town on the first Monday in
April next, and may proceed to the discharge of the several duties
provided by this act, and may adjourn from time to time as may be
Convenient and necessary, and each commissioner shall be entitled
to receive two dollars for each day in which he may be engaged in
the discharge of the duty imposed upon them by this act.
Dec. Ses. 1817
Accounts to be
rendered to
the levy court.
Old gaol to be
Judges to ap-
prove of site
before build-
ing is erected.
ers to meet.
An act to establish a Bank and Incorporate a Company un-
der the name of The Bank of Dorchester.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland. That
a bank to be called and known by the name of The Bank of Dorches-
ter, shall be established in Cambridge, the capital stock of which
shall consist of two hundred thousand dollars, money of the United
States, to be divided into shares of fifty dollars each.
2. And be it enacted, That books for the subscription of said
stock shall be opened at Cambridge, by the commissioners here-
inafter named, or a majority of them, on the first Monday of May
next, and the commissioners who shall meet on the day so ap-
pointed for receiving the said subscriptions, shall cause the said
books to be opened at the place or places agreed upon, at ten
o'clock in the morning, and continue the same opened until five
o'clock in the afternoon; and if the subscriptions shall exceed the
number of shares as above, then the said commissioners are hereby
Passed Jan. 23.
Bank estab-
Books to be