Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Maryland,
at December Session, 1817.
Passed Dec. 9
Relative to
No. 1.
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorised
to extend the time prescribed for the payment to be made for any confiscated pro-
perty, or property liable to confiscation, which hath been or may be discovered
to, and by them sold, or under their direction, such extensions of payment to be
made in those instances and for such periods as they may deem right and proper,
consistent with the public interest.
Passed Jan. 6
In favour of
clerk of Wash-
No 2.
Resolved, That the clerk of Washington county he and he is hereby released
from the payment of nine percent, interest chargeable upon an account against
the said clerk, the same having been paid in full on the twenty-seventh November
eighteen hundred and seventeen, including an interest of six per cent.
Passed Jan 17
—of Notley
No. 3.
Resolved, That all proceedings against Notley Maddox, and his securities,
on a judgment obtained against them on account of a balance due to the state by
the said Notley Maddox, as former sheriff of Prince-George's, be and they are
hereby suspended until the first day of January eighteen hundred and nineteen,
and also that the said Notley Maddox, and his securities, be and they are hereby
released from the payment of the nine per cent per annum of the fifteen per cent
interest chargeable upon the principal of the balance due the state, on condition
only that the said Notley Maddox, and his securities, shall punctually pay to the
treasurer of the western shore, on or upon the first day of January eighteen hun-
dred and nineteen, the principal of the balance due the state, with interest for the
same at the rate of six per cent per annum, together with all costs on said judg-
ments; Provided, that the judgments shall be in full force and continue, notwith-
standing the suspension directed by this resolution, and that if the said Notley Mad-
dox, and his securities, shall fail in said payment, they shall forfeit the benefit of this
resolution, and shall be liable to be proceeded against immediately for the whole of
the said debt and costs, and the fifteen per cent interest now payable thereon.
Passed Jan 27
—of the Elk-
ton Academy.
No. 4.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby autho-
rised and directed, to pay the trustees of the Elkton Academy, in Cecil county, or
their order, annually, the sum of three hundred dollars, for the benefit of the said
academy, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
Passed Jan 30
Relative to the
colonization of
free people of
No. 5.
Resolved unanimously, That the governor be requested to communicate to the
president of the United States, and to our senators and representatives in congress, the
opinion of the general assembly, that a wise and provident policy suggests the expedi-
ency, on the part of our national government, of procuring, through negotiation,
by cession, or purchase, a tract of country on the western coast of Africa, for the
colonization of the free people of colour of the United States.
Passed Jan 30
Relative to the
Armoury E.S
No. 6.
Resolved, That Colonel Wm. B. Smith, Major Jabez Caldwell, Captain
Wm. Hayward, jun. or any two of them, be and they are hereby authorised and
empowered by this general assembly, to view and inspect the armoury on the
eastern shore, at Easton; and that they report to this legislature, as soon as prac-
ticable, the state and condition of said armoury; and also what number and des-
cription of arms are therein contained; and what number and description of arms
were distributed to the militia from said armoury during the late war; and how
many, and of what description, were returned by the officers of the militia antece-
dent to the appointment of an agent on the part of the state; and what number and
description have been deposited by or under the authority of Alemby Jump, as
agent to the state for the purpose of collecting the arms, &c. under the authority
of a resolution of this legislature; what state and condition the aforesaid arms are
in; how many are fit for use, and how many are out of order; and the armourer of
said armoury is hereby requested and directed, to give the aforesaid Colonel Wm.
B. Smith, Major Jabez Caldwell, and Captain Wm. Hayward, jun. what informa-
tion they may require to carry into effect this resolution.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the eastern shore pay unto Colonel Wm. B.
Smith, Major Jabez Caldwell, and Captain Wm. Hayward, jun. or their order, out
of any unappropriated money in the treasury, the sum of two dollars each, for each