three hours under arms at any one time without allowing them pro-
per time to refresh themselves.
53. And be it enacted, That no officer, non-commissioned officer
or private, of the militia, in his attendance at, going to, or return-
ing from muster, shall he subject to arrest for any civil matter, nor
shall his military equipments be subject to distress, attachment, or
execution for debt.
54. And be it enacted, That if any officer, non-commissioned of-
ficer, or private, who may have provided himself with uniform and
arms, or who hath been uniformed in pursuance of the provisions
of this act, or who hath received arms the property of the state,
shall appear on parade at any of said meetings without said arms
and uniform, he shall be fined a sum not exceeding twenty dollars,
in the discretion of such court martial as the case may require.
55. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the command-
ing officer of each company district, before the first day of October
in each year, to make return in writing, on oath, of all Quakers,
Menonists, Tunkers, and persons conscientiously scrupulous of
bearing arms, exempt from militia duty under the provisions of
this act, to the commanding officer of the regiment or extra batta-
lion to which he belongs, under a penalty not exceeding twenty
dollars, to be imposed by such court martial as the case may re-
quire, for every neglect or refusal so to do; and it. shall be the du-
ty of the. commanding officer of each regiment and extra battalion,
on or before the last day of Dei-ember in each year, to cause two
lists of all such persons, and of the sums of money by them re-
spectively payable, as a consideration for their exemption from mi-
litia duty, to be made out under his hand, one of the Said lists to
be retained by himself, and the other to be delivered to the collec-
tor of his regiment or extra battalion, who shall collect and pay
ever the same, in the same manner, and upon such conditions, as
other fines and forfeitures under this act; and either of said com-
manding officers, neglecting or refusing to comply with the provi-
sions of this section, shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, in
the discretion of such court martial as the case may require.
56. And be it enacted, That if any officer or private shall think
himself injured by the commanding officer of his regiment or extra
battalion, and shall, upon due application made to such command-
ing officer, be refused redress, he may complain to the brigadier ge-
neral of his brigade, who on finding that the person complained of
has violated this law, shall order such court-martial as the case
may require for the trial of such offence, which said court may pu-
nish the offender by cashiering, reprimanding, suspending, or fining
not exceeding fifty dollars, in their discretion; and if any non-com-
missioned officer or private shall think himself injured by his cap-
tain or other superior officer of the regiment, extra battalion, or
company, to which he belongs, he may complain to the commanding
officer of the regiment, or extra battalion, who shall order such
court-martial as the case may require for the trial of such offence,
which said court may punish the offender by cashiering, reprimand-
ing, suspending, or fining not exceeding fifty dollars, in their dis-
cretion; and if any officer shall neglect or refuse to comply with the
provisions of this section, he shall be fined not exceeding one hun-
dred dollars, in the discretion of such court-martial as the case
may require.
Dec. Ses. 1817.
Not to be ar-
rested for any
civil matter.
Penalty for not
appearing pro-
perly equipt.
Persons con-
Officers, &c.
themselves in-
jured by a su-
perior may ap-