make return, in writing, of such arrangement of bounds, to the
adjutant general's office, to be therein preserved; and the com-
manding officer of each regiment, battalion and extra battalion,
within the said brigades, is hereby required to order a meeting of
the company officers within their several districts, previous to the
first of March next, at some convenient place, who, or a majority
of them, shall revise and fix the bounds of the several company
districts; and the said commanding officers of regiments, battalions
and extra battalions, shall forthwith make return thereof, in wri-
ting, to the brigade inspectors, respectively, to be by them record-
ed; and the. said several districts shall be altered or arranged in like
manner, and under the same penalties, whenever the said officers
shall respectively deem it necessary for the greater convenience of
those, liable to militia duty, and returns thereof made as in this
section before directed; and in case either of said officers shall
neglect or refuse to execute the duties required in this section, he
shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, in the discretion
of such court martial, as the case may require.
11. And be it enacted, That the companies of each regiment and
extra battalion shall have their meetings respectively, for exercise
and parade, as prescribed by this act, at the same place, where they
shall be formed into regiment or extra battalion, as the case may
be, and marched to the place of exercise and parade; and on the
days established under this act for brigade, regimental, extra bat-
talion, or battalion parades, they shall be delivered over by the
commanding officers of regiments and extra battalion, to the com-
manding officer of brigade, regiment, extra battalion, or battalion,
as the case may be, who shall exercise, or cause the same to be
exercised; and on the days established by this act for company pa-
rades, they shall, in like manner, be delivered over to the command-
ing officers of companies, who shall exercise, or cause the same to
be exercised, under the direction and superintendance of the said
commanding officers of regiments, or extra battalion, as the case
may be; and in cither case when the duties of the day shall be finish-
ed, they shall be formed into regiment or extra battalion, as the
rase may be, and being marched to the place of assembling, shall
be dismissed; and if any officer shall neglect or refuse to comply
with the provisions of this section, he shall be cashiered, or fined in a
sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, in the discretion of such
court martial, as the case may require.
12. And be it enacted, That at all the meetings requited by this
act, the commanding officers of each company shall appoint a fit
and proper person, who shall at the end of half an hour after the
time, appointed for said meetings, call over the muster roll of the
company, noting those who are absent; and within two days there-
after shall make return, in writing, of such absentees, to the com-
manding officer of his company; and the said commanding officer
shall, within three days thereafter, cause the same to be entered on
his company hook, and transmitted to the commanding officer of
his regiment, or extra battalion, together with a consolidated re-
turn of the strength of his company, which shall be entered on the
books of the regiment; and the commanding officer of each regiment,
or extra battalion, shall in like, manner cause the names of all the
commissioned and staff officers to be called ever by the adjutant, or
Dec Ses 1817.
All companies
to meet at the
same place and
form into regt.
or ex. batt.
Roll to be call-
ed and absen-
tees noted.