Dec Ses. 1817.
gineers, &c.
On neglect of
paym't shares
to be forfeited.
Accounts to be
kept, &c.
upon payment to the treasurer of the two first instalments on each
share, of the said stock, which certificate shall be transferable in
person or by attorney, in presence of the president or treasurer,
subject, however, to the payments due, and that, may become duo
thereon; and the assignee holding any certificate, having first
caused the. assignment to be. entered in a book of the. company
which shall be kept for that purpose, shall be a member of the
corporation, and for every certificate so held shall be entitled to
one share of the capital stock, and of all the estates, benefits and
emoluments, of the company, and to vote as aforesaid at the meet-
ings thereof.
6. And be it enacted, That the president and directors shall meet
at such times and places, and be convened in such manner, as shall
be agreed on, for transacting the business of the company; and a
majority shall be a quorum, who. in the absence of the president
may choose a chairman, and shall keep minutes of all their trans-
actions fairly entered in a book, and a quorum being met, they
shall have full power and authority to agree with, and appoint,
such engineers, superintendants, artists, or other officers, as they
shall think necessary to carry on the said bridge, and to contract
and agree for materials, and all such articles as they may deem
necessary; to draw orders on the treasurer for all money to pay
the wages of persons by them employed, and for the materials and
labour dune, provided such orders shall be signed by the president,
or in his absence by a majority of the attending directors; and to
do and transact all other such acts, matters and tilings, as by this
act or the by-laws, orders and regulations of the company, shall
be committed to them.
7. And be it enacted, That if any stockholder shall refuse or
neglect to pay his said several instalments, or any of them, on
each and every share held by him or her, at the times and periods
respectively limited and appointed as aforesaid for the payment
thereof, and for ten days thereafter, every such stockholder, or his
or her assignee, shall in the discretion and election of the said
president and directors, either forfeit to the company every such
share on which any instalment may remain due and unpaid as
aforesaid, to be sold by the said president and directors for the best
price that ran be obtained therefor for the benefit of the said com-
pany, or shall be liable to be sued for the same, and the amount
thereof, with legal interest thereon, shall and may he recovered by
the said president and directors of and from such stockholder, or
his or her assignee, in such court wherein the said stockholder may
be liable to be sued for any other debt or claim whatsoever.
8. And be it enacted, That the president and directors of the said
company shall keep just and fair accounts of all monies received
by them from the commissioners, and from the subscribers to the
said undertaking, and of the amount of the profits or shares that
may be forfeited, and generally of all monies received by them for
the purpose of erecting the said bridge, and also of all monies by
them expended in the prosecution of the said work; and shall at
least once in every year, submit such accounts to a general meet-
ing of the stockholders, until the said bridge be completed, and
until all the costs, charges and expenses, for effecting the same,
shall be fully paid and discharged, and the aggregate amount of