turns aforesaid, together with five per centum thereon for the trou-
ble of collection, shall be collected by the city collector of Balti-
more, who shall before he proceeds to make such collection, give
bond to the mayor and city council of Baltimore, in such amount,
and with such security as the mayor shall approve, for the faithful
performance of the duties required by this act; and if the said as-
sessments shall not be paid within sixty days after public notice
given by the register of the commissioners returns, and in case of
an appeal within sixty days after public notice of the judges award
thereon, then the collector aforesaid shall have authority, upon
giving; thirty days notice in two or more newspapers of the city of
the time and place of sale of such lots of ground chargeable with
such assessments, or such part thereof as may be necessary to dis-
charge the same, and such sales shall vest in the purchasers such
estate and interest as the persons chargeable with such assessments
had in the property sold, and the money collected as aforesaid, af-
ter deducting the commission herein allowed, shall be paid by said
collector into the city treasury, and paid over to the persons entit-
led to receive the same.
4. And be. it enacted, That Lombard-street shall be extended as
aforesaid from Calvert-street to South-street, under the provisions
of this act, whenever the assent thereto of the majority of the
proprietors of the ground over which it may pass, shall be obtain-
ed, provided that the property on Water-street, between Calvert
and South-street, shall not be assessed for such latter extension.
5. And be it enacted, That when the said street shall be extend-
ed as aforesaid, in the whole or in part, and the damages ascertained
as aforesaid be paid, or tendered in payment, the same shall be and
is hereby declared a public street and highway of the city afore-
said, for ever thereafter; and the city commissioners of said city
shall thereupon proceed to have all the buildings, and other ob-
structions within the said street removed, at the expense of the
city, and the materials thereof to sell and dispose of for the use of
the city.
6. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall be
construed to authorise the opening and extension of said street,
without the previous assent of the mayor and city council of Bal-
Dec. Ses. 1817.
Assent of pro-
prietors to be
When street is
extended ob-
structions may
be removed.
Assent of may-
or and city
An act to authorise the establishment of an additional Ware-
house in the City of Baltimore for the Inspection of To-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Amos A. Williams and George Williams, of the city of Baltimore,
be and they are hereby authorised, to build at their expense aware-
house, for containing ana securing tobacco offered for inspection,
if in the judgment of the levy court of Baltimore county the erect-
ing such warehouse, would promote the public interest and con-
venience, and they, or those claiming to hold under them, shall pro-
vide and keep constantly in repair, at their expense, beams, screws,
scales, weights, brands, and marking irons, and all other things ne-
cessary for inspecting tobacco brought into the said ware house for
inspection; and the said warehouse, when erected and finished,
Passed Feb 11.
may be erect-
ed, &c.