der the hand of the clerk and seal of the court, shall be to all in-
tents and purposes as available evidence in any court of justice in
this state, and elsewhere, as the original if produced and legally
proven; and the state of Maryland, and all bodies politic and cor-
porate, or individuals, who may be interested in the performance of
the duties intended to be secured by the said bond, shall be at liberty
to demand a copy of the said bond, and to bring a suit thereon, in
the name of the state, for his, her, or their use, and may recover
thereon the full amount of debt or damages which be, she or they,
may shew him, her or themselves, to be entitled to, or to have sus-
16. And be it enacted, That said commissioners be and are
hereby authorised and required, annually, to devise and fix upon
the scheme of not more than two lotteries to-be drawn in the city
of Baltimore, and to prepare, sign and dispose of, the tickets in
said lotteries, and to employ agents, brokers and others, to sell the
same, taking always from those to whom they sell tickets, or en-
trust the sale of them, adequate security for the punctual payment
of the money arising from the sale of said tickets, and that they
may allow a sum not exceeding ten per cent, discount upon the.
sale of, or for selling such tickets, from the price estimated or fix-
ed in the scheme of said lottery; and that said commissioners, so
soon as all said tickets may have been sold, or such proportion
thereof as they may be of opinion would warrant, the commence-
ment of drawing said lottery or lotteries, shall proceed to draw the
same as rapidly and speedily as they may judge most prudent and
advisable, and that the said commissioners thus proceed annually to
draw not more than two lotteries.
17. And be it enacted, That said commissioners shall, so soon as
they have fixed upon the scheme of a lottery, transmit to the trea-
surer of the western shore a copy of said scheme, by him to be preserv-
ed in his office, and in the sale of all tickets shall take the notes, bonds,
bills, or other securities, in the name of the treasurer of the western
shore, as such treasurer, and shall at the end of every month, or
as much oftener as said treasurer may require, transmit to the said
treasurer all such bonds, hills, notes and securities, which they
may take for tickets sold as aforesaid; and shall at the same time,
and in the same manner, transmit and pay over to said treasurer,
all monies which they may receive for tickets sold by them for
cash, and at the same time, and in like manner, shall also, as they
receive monies, bonds, notes, bills, or other securities, from the
agents, brokers or others, whom they may have employed to sell
tickets as aforesaid, pay over and transmit the same to the said
treasurer; and in case of neglect, omission or refusal, on the part
of said commissioners, to pay over monies as aforesaid, or to
transmit or deliver over bonds, notes, bills, or other securities as
aforesaid, or on failing, on the request of the treasurer, from time
to time as he may think proper, to account with and give state-
ments to him of the state, condition and disposition, of all tickets,
monies, bonds, notes, bills, or other securities, the said treasurer
is required and strictly enjoined forthwith to put the bond of said
commissioners in suit.
18. And be it enacted, That said treasurer shall, after the expira-
tion of sixty days after the conclusion of the drawing of any of said
Dec. Ses. 1817
Two lotteries
may be drawn
annually in
city of Balt.
Schemes to be
transmitted to
treasurer, also
monies, &c.
Treasurer to
pay prizes &c.