An act to establish a Hank and Incorporate a Company un-
der the name of The Centreville Bank of Maryland.
Whereas, a number of the citizens of Queen-Anne's county
have prayed that a bank may be established in the town of Centre-
ville, in said county; Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
a bank to be called and known by the name of The Centreville Bank
of Maryland, shall be established in the town of Centreville in
Queen-Anne's county.
2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of this bank shall
consist of two hundred thousand dollars, money of the United States,
divided into eight thousand shares of twenty-five dollars each;
the whole of the capital stock, at all times paid in, to consist of
3. And be it enacted, That the books for the subscription of the
said stock shall be opened at Centreville, and at such other places
in the county as may he deemed advisable by the commissioners
hereinafter named, or any five or more of them, on a day to be. ap-
pointed for that purpose, and by them notified in the public places
in the said county, at least four weeks previous thereto; and the
commissioners who shall meet on the day so appointed for receiv-
ing the said subscriptions, shall cause the said books to be opened
at the place or places agreed upon, at ten o'clock in the morning,
and continue the same opened until five o'clock in the afternoon;
and no subscription shall be received by any persons residing out of
the county, or in trust for any person out of the county, on the first
day of opening the books aforesaid; and if the subscriptions shall
exceed the number of eight thousand, then the said commissioners
are hereby authorised and directed so to apportion the shares sub-
scribed among the several subscribers, by proportionate reduction,
as may reduce the whole to the number to be subscribed for; but if
the said subscription shall not be filled up on the first day the
said commissioners shall have power to adjourn from day to day,
until the whole number of shares shall be subscribed for; and after
the first day they shall receive subscriptions from any person or
persons whether residing in the county or elsewhere; and at any
time after the first day, when the said subscriptions shall be com-
plete, it shall be the duty of the said commissioners immediately to
close the books, and those only who have actually subscribed pre-
vious thereto, shall be entitled to the said stock; and it shall be the
duty of Thomas Emory, Lemuel Purnell, William Carmichael,
Henry D. Sellars, Charles C. Browne, William Jacobs, George
Maginness, William Gilbert, Thomas Seegar and Gerard Coursey,
or any live or more of them, to conduct any operation of the pro-
posed institution, until they shall be superseded by the appoint-
ment of directors.
4. And be it enacted, That every subscriber shall pay to the com-
missioners who shall attend for opening the books, at the time of
subscribing for the same, the sum two dollars and fifty cents on
each share that shall be by him subscribed; and each subscriber
shall, within sixty days thereafter, pay the further sum of two dol-
lars and fifty cents on each share to the commissioners aforesaid;
and the remaining twenty dollars on each share shall be paid by
Dec. Ses. 1817
Passed Jan. 6.
Bank estab-
Books to be