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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 163   View pdf image
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the time and place so to be fixed, the share or shares of such delin-
quent stockholder, or so much thereof as may be necessary for pay-
ing such assessment, with all costs and charges increased by rea-
son of such refusal or neglect, shall be and hereby is forfeited to
the use of the said corporation, and may be sold and transferred
by it for the purpose of raising the sum so due.
8. And be it enacted, That whenever any ark, raft or boat, shall

arrive within the range of the wing-dam at the head of said canal,
and south of the rock called the Wild Cat Rock, and shall be left
there by the persons having charge thereof, or shall not be remov-
ed by the said persons when thereto required by the agent of the
company, so as to leave the passage into the canal free and open,
the governor and directors of the canal, or their agents duly au-
thorised, shall be and hereby are empowered, to cause every such
ark, raft or boat, to be taken into the canal, and passed down the
same, to the place or places provided or to be provided for the safe
keeping of arks, rafts and boats, and to act with respect to all such
arks, rafts and boats, in the same manner, and to collect and re-
ceive the same tolls thereon, as if they had been brought into
and passed down the said canal, to the said place or places, by their
owners respectively, or the persons having the care thereof.


An act to Incorporate the Havre-de-Grace Ferry Company,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
John H. Barney, William R. Brooke, George Bartoe, Joseph
Brownley, Thomas T. Bond, William Coale, Cyrus Courtney,
William Chandlee, John Donn, J. W. Dallam, John Donahoo, Ed-
ward Griffith, J. W. Giles, Howes Goldsborough, John Green,
William Green, Samuel Hughes, Edward Hall, James C. Hughes,
Benedict Hall, Christian Hoffman, John D. Henly, Nathan Hall,
John H. Hughes, Abraham Jarrett, John Millkoff, John Merryman,
John M'Henry, Mark Pringle, Isaac Perryman, William W.
Ramsay, R. C. Stockton, Charles S. Sewell, R. and W. Sapping-
ton, John Stump, (of Cecil,) Robert Y. Stokes, William T. Stock-
ton, William Schlatter, Robert Smith, Samuel R. Smith, James F.
Sears, Paca Smith, A. I. Thomas, J. W. Thomas, William Willi-
ams and Henry Hall, and such others as may from time to time
become subscribers of said corporation, their successors and assigns,
shall be and they are hereby created and made a corporation and body
politic, by the name and style, of The Havre-de-Grace Ferry Com-
pany, and by that name shall be and are hereby made able and ca-
pable in law to have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy and retain,
to them and their successors, lands, tenements, hereditaments,
goods, chattels and effects, of what kind soever, not exceeding in
the whole the amount or value of fifty thousand dollars, and the
same to grant, demise, alien, or dispose of; to sue and be sued,
plead and be impleaded, answer and he answered, defend and be
defended, in any courts of record, or any other place whatsoever;
and also to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to
break, alter and renew, at pleasure; and also to ordain and esta-
blish, and put in execution, such by laws, ordinances and regula-
tions, as shall seem necessary for the government of said corpora-
tion, not being contrary to law or the constitution thereof, for

Dec. Ses. 1817

Arks, &c. left
at head of ca-
nal may be pas-
sed down &c.

Passed Feb. 10.

Subscribers in-
style—effect in

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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 163   View pdf image
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