An act to confirm an act, entitled, An act to alter and change,
such parts of the Constitution and Form of Government
as relate to to division of Anne-Arundel County into
Election Districts, and to change the place of holding
Elections in the Second Election District of said County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
an act passed at December session eighteen hundred and sixteen,
entitled, An act to alter and change such parts of the constitution
and form of government as relate to the division of Anne-Arundel
county into election districts, and to change the place of holding
elections in the second district of said county, shall be and the
same is hereby confirmed.
Dec. Ses. 1817
Passed Feb 9.
Act confirmed.
A Further Additional Supplement to the act, entitled, An
act for making the River Susquehanna navigable from the
line of this State to tide water.
Whereas, the proprietors of the Susquehanna Canal, have in-
curred in the prosecution of that great and important public work
considerable debts, which their corporate funds are incompetent to
discharge: And whereas the said canal, with all its appertenances,
has been sold by the sheriff of Cecil county, at the instance of the
Bank of Maryland, and purchased by Samuel Sterett of Baltimore,
acting for himself and several persons associated with him, and
there are doubts as to the. validity of said sale; but the purchasers
are willing to relinquish to the said corporation their right under
the said sale, in order that the property may he resold for the
purpose of raising the sum due to the Bank of Maryland, and
paying other debts of the corporation, Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the governor and directors of the Susquehanna Canal he and they
are hereby authorised, with the consent of the holders of the great-
er part of the stock, to sell and dispose of the whole real and per-
sonal estate of said corporation, together with their right and pro-
perty of in and to said canal, locks, and all the appendages there-
of, with the right of toll thereon, for the best price that can be ob-
tained for the same; and the same and every part thereof, when sold, to
convey and transfer, by good and sufficient deeds, to the purchaser or
purchasers, to he recorded among the land records of Cecil county
court as other deeds are required to be recorded, and that the
proceeds of the said sale- shall bo applied to the discharge of the
debts that may he due from the said corporation, otherwise, than
for advances heretofore made to it by stockholders, which by any
resolution or act of said corporation have been added to the stock
and shares of such stockholders, or their representatives, as aug-
mentation of stock, and such part of the said proceeds as may re-
main after discharging the debts, hereby directed to be discharged,
shall be divided among all the stockholders of the said corporation,
in proportion to their respective interests in the stock.
2. And be it enacted, That the sale, hereby authorised shall be
made at Port-Deposite in Cecil county, and that three months no-
tice thereof shall be given in some one or more public newspapers,
Passed Feb. 11.
Real and per-
sonal estate of
may be sold.
.Sale to be
made at Port