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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 159   View pdf image
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to be surveyed and laid off, within the limits of the city of Balti-
more, all such streets, lanes and alleys, as they shall deem proper
and convenient, and cause the same to he marked with so many
and such durable land marks as they shall think necessary, and re-
turn plots with such survey and location, with proper explanations,
to the register of the city of Baltimore, and the clerk of Baltimore
county court, to be by them respectively filed and preserved as other
records of their offices; and the said commissioners may employ
such engineer or surveyor as they may see fit, and a secretary; and
the expenses incurred in the execution of the duties hereby enjoin-
ed, shall be paid by the mayor and city council of Baltimore.
13. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners be and they
are hereby authorised to contract for and lay out such and so many

parcels of ground within the said city as they shall judge conveni-
ent and necessary, to be, used for public purposes, and if the price
demanded therefor shall be deemed reasonable by the mayor and
city council of Baltimore, they are hereby authorised to purchase
the same at the expense of the city, and such lots or parcels of
ground shall be conveyed to the said mayor and city council for
the purposes aforesaid.
14. And be it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid be and
they are hereby authorised, to assign one name, to any street
which in the whole, or in its parts, may have acquired different
names, and when two or more streets may be known by the same
name, to alter or change them, so that no two streets have one
name, and also to alter the names of such as in their judgment de-
corum shall require; and the names so given of all the other streets
shall be written on the plots thereof to be returned to the said com-
missioners, by which names they shall thereafter be called and


15. And be it enacted, That a majority of the aforesaid board of
commissioners shall be competent to exercise all its powers, and
vacancies happening therein shall be supplied from time to time by
the mayor and presidents of the first and second branches of the
city council, or any two of them, for the time being; and that so
much of the act relating to streets in the city and precincts of
Baltimore, as is supplied by, or is inconsistent with, the provisions
of this act, be and the same is hereby repealed; Provided however,
that where the commissioners in pursuance of the said act may
have laid out any street, lane or alley, and proprietors of ground
thereon have laid out or disposed of their grounds conformably
thereto, the same shall not be altered or changed under the provi-
sions of this act, without the consent of such proprietors.
16. And be it enacted, That on the application, in writing, by the
proprietors of not less than two thirds of any property, which
may be intended to be taken for the opening, extending, widening
or straightening of any street, lane or alley, to the mayor and city
council of Baltimore, they may open, extend, widen or straighten,
ouch street, lane or alley, or part thereof respectively, according
to the location and delineation thereof by the said commissioners;
but before the same shall be opened, extended, widened or straight-
ened, the said mayor and city council shall appoint five assessors,
who, or a majority of them, shall ascertain, on oath, the amount of
injury which any person or persons will sustain by the opening,

Dec. Ses. 1817.

May contract
for ground for
public pur-

--may name
streets, &c.



On application
streets may be
opened, &c.

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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 159   View pdf image
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