6. And be it enacted, That all appeals from the decision of jus-
tices of the peace upon warrants for the recovery of fines, penalties
and forfeitures, under the ordinances of the city, shall be carried
to, and be prosecuted before Baltimore city court, where such ap-
peals shall be heard and decided at the session of the court next
succeeding the allowance of such appeals, unless the court should
be then in session, in which case appeals shall be heard and decid-
ed at that session, except that the court may, in their discretion,
grant a continuance of such appeals; and if the fine, penalty or
forfeiture, exceeds the sum over which justices have jurisdiction,
the same shall be sued for and recovered in Baltimore city court,
instead of Baltimore county court as heretofore; and all such cases
shall stand for trial at the first session of the court to which they
are brought, and executions may issue thereon as in the county
court, and in the event of an appeal to the court of appeals in any
such case, the same shall stand for argument at the first term to
which such appeal shall be prosecuted.
7. And be it enacted, That the mayor and city council of Balti-
more may, for the purpose of promoting or effecting any great or
permanent improvements, issue stock in certificates of an amount
not less than one hundred dollars each, transferrable only in per-
son, or by letter of attorney, on books to be kept for that purpose
in the office of the register of the city of Baltimore, or borrow mo-
ney upon the credit of the corporation, provided the amount of
stock so created and issued, or money borrowed, shall at no one
time exceed one million of dollars; and it shall be lawful for any
of the banks in this state to purchase, hold, and dispose of, any
such stock, or make any such loans; and the said mayor and city
council shall possess all powers necessary or proper for preventing
nuisances, preserving order, securing property and persons from
violence, danger or destruction, protecting the public and city pro-
perty, rights and privileges, from waste or encroachments, and
for promoting the great interests and ensuring the good govern-
ment of the city, not repugnant to the rights of the citizen, nor in-
consistent with the provisions of any act of the general assembly of
this state, or the constitution thereof.
8. And be it enacted, That all the powers, privileges, rights and
property, vested in or granted to the commissioners of the western
precincts, the commissioners of the eastern precincts of Baltimore,
or their respective officers, the commissioners of the western pre-
cincts market, or the commissioners of the eastern precincts mar-
ket, shall be and the same are hereby vested in the mayor and city
council of Baltimore, as fully, and for the like purposes, as the
same were possessed by the above named boards or officers respec-
tively; and that the acts, entitled, "An act to appoint commission..
ers to grade and level the several streets, squares, lanes and alleys,
in the precincts of Baltimore," and "An act to appoint commission-
ers to grade, level, pave and repair, the streets, squares, lanes and
alleys, in that part of the eastern precincts of Baltimore therein
described, and for other purposes," and the several supplements to
those acts, be and the same are hereby repealed, except so far as
relates to rights acquired under the said boards, and to suits now
depending in which any of the said commissioners are parties, or
there remain contracts unexecuted, or claims unliquidated, in
Dec. Ses. 1817.
In case of ap-
peal ordinan-
ces may be pro-
secuted before
city court.
may issue stock
or borrow mo-
Powers trans-
ferred to may-
or & city coun-