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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 149   View pdf image
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be recorded in Baltimore county court, upon which suits may be
brought by the said court, or any person or persons interested
therein, and copies thereof, under the seal of office, shall be evi-
dence in all cases whatever.
3. And be it enacted, That the said collectors shall each and eve-
ry of them finish and complete the collections of such of the as-
sessments as may he placed in their hands, by the time prescribed
by law, or assigned by the said court for the completion of the
same, and shall pay and account for the same in such manner and
at such times as the said court shall direct or appoint.
4. And be it enacted, That the said collectors shall be allowed
such commission for collection as the said court shall consider
right and proper, not exceeding six per centum on the amount col-
lected in the city, and seven per centum on the amount collected
in the county.
5. And be it enacted, That the judges of .Baltimore city
court be and they are hereby authorised to examine all accounts
for keeping the gaol, and supporting the prisoners therein, and all
accounts returned by the coroner for holding inquests, and may
allow or reject any part of such accounts as they in their judg-
ment may think just and proper, and shall ascertain what portion
of such accounts and charges shall be paid by the city, and what
by the county, having due regard to the number of prisoners and
inquests from the city and county respectively, which portions shall
be levied and collected accordingly.
6. And be it enacted, That all and every act and acts, or parts
of any act, which is or are inconsistent with the provisions of this
act, be and the same are hereby repealed.

Dec. Ses. 1817.

Collections to
be completed
in the time


Judges of City
Court to exa-
mine accounts




An act for the benefit of the German Lutheran Congregation
in Frederick-Town, in Frederick County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
David F. Schaeffer, Charles Schell, Jacob Meddart, Conrod En-
glebrecht, John Ebert, Andrew Hyne, Jacob Keller, William
Kobb, and Lewis Birely, and their successors in the vestry of-
fice of the German Lutheran Congregation in Frederick-Town,
regularly appointed, be and they are hereby authorised, to take,
have and receive, and to demand, sue for and recover, in any
court of law or equity in this state, all the money and property of
any kind, devised or bequeathed by Michael Boyer, late of Frede-
rick county, deceased, by his last will and testament, to the vestry
of the German Lutheran Church in Frederick-town.

Passed Feb. 9.

Persons autho-
rised to sue for
certain pro-


An act for Founding a College in the City or Precincts of
Baltimore by the name of Asbury College.

Whereas, public institutions for the education of youth in the
principles of virtue, knowledge, and useful literature, are of the
first importance, and the surest means of raising up citizens immi-
nent in science, and to be ornaments and supports of their country.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
a college, or general seminary of learning, by the name of Asbury

Passed Feb. 10.

College esta-
tees incorpo-

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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 149   View pdf image
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