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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 147   View pdf image
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come entitled to in any way or manner whatever, be and the same is
hereby annulled and made void, and the said Mary be, and she is
hereby declared to be, capable to have, hold, take, receive, sue for
and recover, by compromise, suit or suits in law or equity, all such
property, in as full and ample manner as if she were a feme sole,
and bad never been married, and to hold, use or enjoy, the same,
for her own use and benefit, and the same to dispose of according
to her will and pleasure, without the molestation, hindrance, inter-
ference or consent, of her said husband, in the same manner as
she could or might have done were she a feme sole.

Dec. Ses. 1817.


A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to regulate the
Inspection of Lumber.

Sec. 1. lie it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That

no person shall act as inspector of lumber except those commis-
sioned by the governor and council, under the penalty of five hun-
dred dollars, one half to the informer, the other half to the state,
to be collected as other fines and forfeitures are collected in this
state; Provided always, that nothing in this section contained shall
be construed to extend to any person or persons who shall, by con-
sent of the buyer and seller, measure any boards, plank, scantling,
or other lumber, in the river Susquehanna, or within five miles of
the mouth thereof.
2. And be it enacted, That any person or persons, thinking them-
selves aggrieved by the measurement of any inspector of lumber,
may lodge their complaint to the mayor of the city of Baltimore,
or any magistrate in the said city, who shall issue their warrant,
directed to two of the inspectors of lumber, not concerned in the
measurement of the lumber complained of, and before they enter
upon the execution of their warrant, shall take the following oath,
or affirmation, as the case may be: We, A, and B, do solemnly,
truly, and sincerely swear, that we will without favour, affection,
partiality or prejudice, execute the warrant directed to us, to the
best of our skill and judgment, so help us God; then proceed and
remeasure the said lumber, and make their return to the mayor or
magistrate, which shall be conclusive; and provided the judgment
of the inspector complained of be reversed, he shall forfeit and pay
to the complainant not exceeding twenty dollars at the discretion
of the mayor or justice of the peace and all costs; if the judgment
should be affirmed, the complainant shall pay all costs, to be col-
lected as other small debts are. collected in this state.
3. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage of this
act, all white pine boards, or plank, shall be marked and designat-
ed by the inspectors into three qualities, as follows: those which are
unmerchantable shall be marked and designated as cullings, as is
directed by the act to which this is a supplement, the first quality
shall not contain more than one inch of sap on each edge, on any one
board or plank measuring twelve feet board measure, and so in pro-
portion for any one board or plank of a greater or less size, or three
feet of straight split, or three knots of not more than an inch dia-
meter in any one board or plank, and shall be marked with its con-
tents in board measure; all other boards or plank which are merchant-

Passed Feb 9

Penalty for act-
ing as inspec-
tor unless ap-
pointed by go-
vernor and

Persons con-
ceiving them-
selves aggriev-
ed may com-
plain to Mayor

White board*
and plank to
be designated
in three quali-

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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 147   View pdf image
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