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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 140   View pdf image
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Dec. Ses. 1817

Property vest-
ed in trustees.

to examine the progress of the students and scholars, and to hear
and determine on all complaints and appeals, and all matters touch-
ing the discipline of the seminary, and the good and wholesome ex-
ecution of their ordinances, on all which occasions a majority at
least of the trustees shall compose a quorum.
5. And be it enacted, That all and singular the property, real,
personal or mixed, belonging to the Church Hill Academy, or held
in trust for the use of the same, shall be, and the same is hereby
vested in the said trustees for the purposes aforesaid.

Passed Feb. 6.

Lots &c. to be
laid out and o-

Time to be

Penalty for re-
fusing to open


Town may bo


An act relating to the Town of Belle-Air in Harford County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Joseph Robinson, Henry Dorsey, Thomas A. Hays, Israel D.
Maulsby, and William Richardson, be and they are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners, and they, or a majority of them, are here-
by authorised and required, to cause to be laid out. surveyed, marked
and bounded, the lots, streets, lanes and alleys, of the town of Belle-
Air, in Harford county, as nearly as practicable to its original lo-
cation, and shall cause to be opened all streets, lanes or alleys,
now enclosed by any individual or individuals which shall be ascer-
tained to have been originally laid out (or public use, and shall for
that purpose give notice in writing to the person or persons so
having it enclosed, to open and clear, or cause to be opened and
cleared, the said street, lane or alley, by a certain day to be fixed
upon by the said commissioners, which day shall be specified in
said notice, and signed by the commissioners or a majority of
2. And be it enacted, That in fixing the time for opening or
causing to be opened, the said streets, lanes or alleys, the said
commissioners shall give such reasonable time as to them shall
seem proper, having due regard to the crop which may be grow-
ing thereon, as well as other circumstances connected therewith.
3. And be it enacted, That any person or persons holding en-
closed any of the said streets, lanes or alleys, or any part thereof,
(or his, her, or their guardian or guardians, if a minor or minors,)
and who shall have, been notified as aforesaid, shall refuse or ne-
glect to open and clear the same by the time specified in the said
notice, such person or persons shall forfeit and pay, for every such
refusal or neglect, the sum of twenty dollars, to be recovered be-
fore a justice of the peace, in the name of the said commissioners,
in the same manner that debts of a similar amount are now reen-
terable by law, and shall moreover forfeit and pay the further sum
of five dollars for every thirty days they shall continue such refu-
sal or neglect, to be recovered as aforesaid; Provided nevertheless,
that if the person or persons so refusing or neglecting, shall make
such excuse therefor as to the said commissioners may appear rea-
sonable, then the said commissioners, or a majority of them, may in
their discretion allow such further time for opening and clearing
the said street, lane or alley, as they in their judgment may deem
sufficient, which extension of time shall be given in writing, and
signed by the said commissioners, or a majority of them.
4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a majority
of them, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to make

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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 140   View pdf image
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