such runaway in confinement shall be levied on the county as other
county expenses are now levied.
7. And be it enacted, That in all cases where jurisdiction, power
and authority, are given by this act to the several county courts in
this state, for matters arising in said counties, the same power and
jurisdiction is hereby vested exclusively in Baltimore city court,
tor all matters arising in Baltimore county or city, and not in Bal-
timore county court.
8. And be it enacted, That this law shall not take effect until af-
ter the first day of July next, and the governor and council be di-
rected, and they are hereby directed, to publish this law once a
week for six months from the passage thereof in the newspapers
in which the laws or orders of this state are generally published.
Dec. Ses. 1817
Power vested
in Baltimore
city court.
Act to be pub-
An act for the relief of Jesse Hughes of Somerset County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the register of the land office of the eastern shore issue to Jesse
Hughes, of Somerset county, a warrant of resurvey on the tracts
of land called Ignoble Quarter, on payment of the fees of office on-
ly, and on the execution of said warrant, and certificate duly re-
turned thereon, a patent may issue to said Hughes, without the
payment of any monies to the state for the same, provided in all
other respects the said warrant and certificate shall be duly and re-
gularly executed and returned.
An act to regulate the Inspection of Salted Fish.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland. That
from and after the passage of this act, all barrels, half barrels and
tierces, which shall be made or used for the purpose of packing or
containing pickled fish, shall he made of sound well seasoned oak,
ash or chesnut staves, of rift timber, not less than half an inch
thick, with heading of either of the said kinds of wood, not less than
five-eighths of an inch thick, and sound and well seasoned, the said
heading to be well planed or shaved, the barrels, half barrels and
tierces, to be well hooped, with at least three hoops on each bilge,
and three hoops on each chine, all of which shall he good hoops of
sufficient substance; the barrel staves to be twenty-eight inches in
length, and the heads to be seventeen inches between the chines,
and to contain not less than twenty-nine nor more than thirty-one
gallons; and the barrels, half barrels and tierces, shall be made in
a good and workmanlike manner, so as to hold pickle, the tierces
to hold not less than forty-five gallons, and the half barrels not less
than fifteen gallons; Provided however, that nothing contained in
this act shall extend to fish packed in kegs of less than ten gallons.
2. And be it enacted, That the governor shall, by and with the
advice and consent of the council, appoint and commission, for the
city of Baltimore, a person of integrity, skilful in the goodness,
quality, and well curing of salted fish; and it shall and may be
lawful for said inspector, with the approbation of the mayor of the
city of Baltimore, to appoint a deputy, who shall have the same
power, and he allowed the same fees, as the said inspector, and
who shall hold his appointment during the pleasure of the principal
Passed Feb. 3.
Warrant of re-
survey to be
Passed Feb. 3.
How barrels
for fish are to
be made.
Inspector to be