Dec. Ses. 1817
—to sell in cer-
tain cases.
Proceeds how
to be applied.
Acts repealed
ion of the poor, and a work-house, the cost of which shall not ex-
ceed six thousand dollars, which shall be paid by the inhabitants of
Caroline county, to be levied and collected as other county charges
are; Provided nevertheless, that not exceeding one thousand dollars
per annum shall he levied and collected in any one year, until the
whole sum is levied and collected, and paid over to the trustees or
their order.
22. Be it enacted, That the trustees, or a majority, shall have full
power and authority, at any time after having made arrangements
for the accommodation of the poor as before prescribed, to sell and
dispose of the present poor-house, and lands and premises, with all
the appertenances thereunto belonging, at public auction, or other-
wise at their discretion, for the best price which can be obtained,
and when the sale is so made, to make and execute a deed of bar-
gain and sale to the purchaser or purchasers, conveying the same to
him or them in fee simple.
23. And be it enacted, That the proceeds arising from the sale of
the present poor-house and lands, shall be applied to the payment of
the purchase money of the lands and premises and improvement au-
thorised to be made in virtue of this law.
24. And be it enacted, That the several acts of assembly hereto-
fore made and provided, relative to the support of the poor of Ca-
roline county, be and the same is hereby repealed from and after the
first Monday in April next.
Passed Feb. 4.
Additional al-
An act to authorise the Levy Court of Frederick County
to increase the pay of the Overseer of the Poor in said
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court of Frederick county are hereby authorised, in their
discretion, to allow to the overseer of the poor of said county
such sum of money in addition to his present pay as in their judg-
ment shall be just and reasonable for his services.
Passed Feb. 4.
Penalty on per-
sons permitt-
ing slaves to go
at large.
—-on persons
hiring or con-
tracting with
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to prevent the in-
conveniencies arising from Slaves being permitted to act
as free.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
any person who shall permit and authorise any slave belonging to
him or herself, in his or her own right, or possessed in the right
of another, or in whom he or she may have special property, to go
at large, or hire him or herself within this state, shall incur a pe-
nalty not exceeding twenty dollars for every month such slave shall
go at large or hire him or herself, and at the same rate for any
shorter time than one month, except twenty days at harvest.
2. And be it enacted, That any person who shall hire a slave, or
contract with such slave, shall incur a penalty of twenty dollars,
except as before excepted; provided, that any person may permit
his slave, being a pilot, to hire himself in such capacity, and any
person may employ as a pilot any slave known, or generally report-
ed to be, a pilot, before the passage of this act.