yearly value of three thousand dollars current money, and are
hereby empowered and authorised to use one common seal in their
business relating to said corporation, and the same if necessary to
change and alter; and that the said persons so incorporated, and
their successors, shall he the true and undoubted trustees, in per-
petual succession, for ever, to be continued in way and manner
hereafter specified, with full power, liberty and authority, in the
making and ordaining such laws, orders and rules, for the butter
relieving, regulating, and setting the poor to work, and for the
good government of the alms and work-house in the said county.
as to them and their successors shall from time to time appear most
fit and requisite, all which shall be observed by the overseer of
such alms and work-house, under the penalties therein contained;
Provided always, that the said rules, by-laws and orders, be no
Ways contrary to the laws of this state.
2. And, to perpetuate the succession of the aforesaid number of
seven trustees of the poor of said county, Be it enacted, That as of-
ten as any one of the said trustees for the poor shall die, remove
out of the county, or refuse to qualify as aforesaid, or become in-
capable of acting, the trustees for the time being, then surviving
and remaining within the said county, or the majority of them, are
hereby authorised and required to elect and choose one of the in-
habitants of said county in the place and room of such trustee,
and so fill up the full number of trustees for such alms and work-
house, which persons so elected and chosen from time to time, are
always to be qualified in the same manner as herein before di-
3. And be it enacted, That every person by this act appointed as
a trustee for the poor, or who shall hereafter be appointed as such,
pursuant to the directions thereof, or who shall wilfully refuse or
delay to take upon him the said office, shall forfeit and pay for eve-
ry such refusal or delay the sum of twenty dollars current money;
Provided, that no minister of the gospel, attorney, practising phy-
sician, judge of the county or orphans court, or sheriff", shall be
obliged to accept the office of trustee aforesaid, or forfeit as afore-
said for refusing to accept and take upon him the same, nor shall
any person be compelled to serve in less than three years after he
has served, or paid the forfeiture for not serving, as a trustee as
4. And be it enacted, That the houses now erected and called and
known by the name of the Poor House of Caroline county, and the
land thereunto belonging, are hereby declared to be vested in the
said trustees, and their successors for ever, as their estate and in-
heritance, for the uses and purposes by this act expressed and di-
rected, one part thereof to be called the Alms-House, to be for the
reception of the poor of said county, and the other part or parts
thereof to be called the Work-House, to and for the reception and
lodging of all such vagrants, beggars, vagabonds, and other offend-
ers, as shall be committed in virtue of this act.
5. And be it enacted, That the said trustees, or a majority of them,
shall and they are hereby authorised and directed, to purchase for
the use and employment of the poor of said county, and the va-
grants, beggars, vagabonds, and other offenders, who shall be com-
mitted, by virtue of this act, sufficient beds, bedding, working tools,
Dec. Ses. 1817
Persons ap-
pointed trus-
tees to act, un-
der a penalty.
House, &c;
vested in trus-
To purchase
bedding, &c.