paid over to the person or persons entitled to receive the same, as
other county charges are; and the justices of the levy court are
hereby authorised to allow such compensation to the commission-
ers, in the execution of this act, as they shall deem reasonable,
not exceeding two dollars per day each.
4. And be it enacted, That the said road when opened, cleared
and made passable, shall for ever thereafter be deemed a public
highway, and shall be kept in repair as other public roads are
in said county.
5. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a majo-
rity of them, shall have power to till any vacancy that may take
place through resignation, death or refusal to act, as a commis-
sioner of said road.
Dec. Ses. 1816
Road to be
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act authorising a
Lottery to raise a sum of money for certain purposes
therein, mentioned.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the lottery or lotteries authorised by the act to which this
is a supplement, shall and may be enlarged, to raise in the
whole amount a sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars,
clear of expenses, to be conducted under the provisions of said
act, and the penalty of the bond required thereby shall be dou-
ble the amount mentioned; and the money so raised shall be ap-
portioned and applied, one half to the improvement of Harford
street, as directed in said act, and the other half to the deepen-
ing and walling such parts of Jone's Falls as are or may be
bounded by public wharves or streets.
2. And be it enacted, That the mayor and city council of Bal-
timore, be, and they are hereby authorised, to reduce the width of
June's Falls from Baltimore street, southwardly, (if they shall
deem it useful so to do) provided that it shall not in any place
be made narrower than the space between the abutments of the
stone bridges over such part of the said falls.
Passed Jan. 28
100,000 dollars
to be raised.
Width of Jones
Falls may be
An act relating to the trial of causes in Baltimore County
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the judges of Baltimore county court be and they are hereby autho-
rised and required, to assign and apportion such part of each term
of the said court, as shall be found necessary for the trial of causes
and hearing of appeals, in which the defendants shall have been
residents of the county, without the limits of the city or precincts,
at the time of the institution of the suit, or rendition of the
judgment appealed from; and to facilitate such apportionment, it
shall be the duty of the plaintiffs, or their council, in all suits
hereafter instituted, before the issuing of the writ, and of the ap-
pellant before his appeal shall be filed, to make known to the clerk
the fact, if it he so, of the defendants residence in the county out
of the city or precincts, and the jurors required to attend said
Passed Jan. 28
Court to assign
part of each
term for the
trial of causes
where the de-
fendants reside
out of the city,