Dec. Ses. 1816
to meet.
Clerk to fur-
nish sheriff
with their pro-
Act to have
effect conditi-
oners shall, on or before the first day of July next, deliver to the
clerk of Dorchester county court, a description, in writing, under
their hands and seals, specifying plainly the boundaries and num-
ber of each district which shall be divided and laid off under this
act, and also the place in each district where the election for such
districts shall be hereafter held, and the said clerk shall record
the same among the records of the county.
2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners appointed by
virtue of this act, shall meet at the usual place of holding the
county court in said county, on the first Monday of May next,
for the purpose of performing the duties of this act; and the
commissioners so meeting may adjourn from time to time, and
place to place, until the whole be completed.
3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the clerk of
Dorchester county to furnish to the sheriff of said county four
copies of the proceedings of the said commissioners, who shall
cause one copy of the same to be set up at the court-house door
of said county, at least three weeks before the next election, and
who also shall cause one other copy to be set up at each place of
holding the election on the day of the next election,
4. And be it enacted, For all services performed by the com-
missioners aforesaid by virtue of this act, the levy court of
Dorchester county shall make reasonable compensation, and
shall levy the same upon the said county, and the same shall be
collected and paid as other county charges.
5. And be it enacted, That this act shall be deemed and consi-
dered as having no effect to increase the number of districts or to
change the place of holding the elections of the said county, as at
present fixed, unless the act, entitled, An act to repeal all that
part of the constitution and form of government as relates to the
division of Dorchester county into three separate election districts,
passed at this session, be confirmed by the next session of the
general assembly.
Passed Jan. 27
Money to be
paid to admi-
A Supplement to the Act, entitled, An act for the benefit
of the Heirs of John Stevens, deceased, of Worcester
WHEREAS, at December session, eighteen hundred and fifteen,
a law passed authorising the orphans court of Worcester county
to appoint a trustee to sell and dispose of the interest of the heirs
of John Stevens, late of Worcester county, deceased, in and to
the mills known by the name of Nassaongo Mills, and the lands
and lots thereto adjoining, and by the said act it is provided, that
if the personal estate of the said John Stevens should not be suf-
ficient for the payment of his debts, the judges of Worcester
county court are empowered, on a bill being filed by any creditor,
to decree payment out of the proceeds of said sale; and it is
further represented, that the personal estate of the said John
Stevens will not be sufficient for the payment of his debts, and
it will be attended with considerable expense and delay to file
bills in chancery, Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the orphans court of Worcester county are authorised and