Dec. Ses. 1816.
to make a plot
of said road.
Damages to be
3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the commis-
sioners aforesaid, or a majority of them, to cause a plot and cer-
tificate of said road to be made, and return the same to the levy
court of Somerset county; and if the levy court shall be of opi-
nion that the said road will be of advantage, then and in such
case the clerk of said county shall record the same plot and cer-
tificate; and the said road, when laid out, opened, cleared, widen-
ed and extended, shall be. and the same is hereby declared to be,
forever hereafter, a public road, and shall bo kept in repair as
other public roads in said county.
4. And be it enacted. That the levy court of said county shall
appoint three disinterested persons, who. or a majority of whom,
shall value the damages that may be sustained by each and every
of the persons through whose lands the same may pass, by open-
ing and extending the length and width of the same, taking into
consideration the advantages and disadvantages, and return the,
same to the levy court; and the damages so ascertained shall
be levied and assessed as other county charges are, and shall be
paid over to the persons respectively who may he damaged there-
by; Provided nevertheless, that no money shall be levied or as-
sessed for the. purpose of paying the damages aforesaid, until
the said road is opened and cleared agreeably to the directions of
this act.
5. And be it enacted. That the said commissioners shall be en-
titled to receive, as a compensation for their services, a sum not
exceeding two dollars per day, to be ascertained by the levy
court, which is hereby directed to be levied, collected and paid,
as other county charges.
Passed Dec. 10.
Allowance for
crows heads
Persons to
make oath, &c.
An act to encourage the destruction of Crows in Saint-
Mary's County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
if any person residing in Saint-Mary's County, shall bring to
any justice of the peace of Saint-Mary's county, the head or heads
of any crow or crows, such person shall for every such head, be
allowed in the county levy of said county the sum of twelve and
a half cents; and the justices of the peace before whom such
head or heads shall be brought, are hereby required to give the
person bringing the same a certificate thereof, and cause the
head or heads to be burnt or otherwise destroyed.
2. Provided nevertheless, and be it enacted, That no person what-
soever shall be entitled for any allowance for any such head or
heads, without first making oath, or affirmation, as the case may
be, that such crow or crows was or were killed in the said county,
and that no certificate, hath been obtained from any other justice
of the peace for the same; and that it shall be the duty of each
and every justice of the peace, before whom such head or heads
may be brought by virtue of this act, to take and receive the
oath, or affirmation, of the party bringing the same, free and
clear from all charges against the person or persons making such
oath, or affirmation, any thing in any law to the contrary not-