Bayly, James Robertson, Frederick A. Schley, William Gunton,
Robert M'Pherson, John P. Thompson, Samuel Flemming, of Ar-
thur, and John Reynolds, or a majority of them, be and they are
hereby authorised to propose a scheme or schemes of a lottery, for
raising a sum of money not exceeding the sum of thirty thousand
dollars, and to sell and dispose of the scheme or schemes of said
lottery, or any ticket or tickets therein, to any one or more in-
dividuals in the state of Maryland, on such terms as they may
deem most advantageous; the money arising therefrom to be ap-
propriated by them to the purchasing of a lot of ground, and
building thereon an English Presbyterian Church and parsonage
house in Frederick-Town, in Frederick county.
2. And be it enacted, That before the said John M'Pherson,
John Ritchie, Joseph Flemming, John Bayly, James Robertson,
Frederick A. Schley, William Gunton, Robert M'Pherson, John
P. Thompson, Samuel Flaunting, of Arthur, and John Reynolds,
or a majority of them, proceed to make sale of the scheme or
schemes of said lottery, or any ticket or tickets therein, they shall
give and execute a bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty
of fifty thousand dollars, conditioned for the true and faithful
drawing of the said lottery by the managers named in said bond,
and for the faithful application of the money arising therefrom,
within six months after the drawing thereof, to the. payment of
the prizes drawn therein, to the adventurers to whom they shall
be due, and the necessary expenses incurred in the management
thereof, and the residue to the purchase of a lot of ground in
Frederick-Town, in Frederick county, and the building thereon
an English Presbyterian church and parsonage, house.
3. And be it enacted, That the said bond shall be lodged in the
office of the clerk of Frederick county, to be there recorded,
and upon such bond, or any office copy thereof, suitor suits may
be instituted for any breach or non-compliance with the con-
dition thereof.
Dec. Ses. 1816
Managers to
give bond.
Bond to be
lodged in
clerk's office.
An act to locale and make public the Road from New Wind-
sor, Sulphur Springs, to Poulson's Meeting House,
Frederick County, thence to intersect the. Deer Park
Road in Baltimore County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Joshua Jones, Jacob Landis, and Joshua Smith, he and
they are hereby appointed commissioners, and a majority of them
are hereby authorised as such, to lay out and open, at the ex-
pense of the petitioners, a road not exceeding thirty feet in width,
from New Windsor, Sulphur springs, to Poulson's meeting house,
Frederick county, then to intersect the Deer Park road in Balti-
more county, so as to do as little injury as possible to the lands
through which the same may pass, taking into view the public,
convenience and expense; and that the said road when so laid
out and completed, shall be recorded among the land records of
said counties, and thereafter deemed and taken to be a public
road, and shall be kept in repair as other public roads in the said
counties are directed to be.
Passed Jan. 4.
Road to be laid
out, &c.