An act to appoint an Agent for the year one thousand eight
hundred and seventeen.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That James Murray, of James, be agent of this state, to execute
the trust and power reposed in him by virtue of this act, from
the first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seven-
teen, until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and eigh-
2. And be it enacted, That the said agent be authorised to su-
perintend the collection of balances due to the state on the audi-
tor's books, or on open account; and the said agent shall have
power to require payment of, and if necessary to sue for and
recover the same; and the said agent, with the approbation of the
governor and council, may make composition with any such
debtors, and take bond, with sufficient security.
3. And be it enacted, That the agent of this state be and he is
hereby vested with all and singular the powers and authorities
necessary for, and incident to, the demanding, requiring and ob-
taining, the payment of all arrearages and balances whatever,
due to the state from the debtors thereof; and the treasurers of
the eastern and western shores, and the auditor, are hereby se-
verally required to furnish the agent of this state, when request-
ed, with correct statements of such arrearages and balances; and
the said agent is hereby authorised and empowered to direct suits
to be commenced against such debtors of the state, as he may
think proper and expedient, and appoint an attorney or attornies
to prosecute and conduct any particular suit or suits so directed
to be brought and commenced as aforesaid; Provided, that all
debts due. to the state shall be paid to the agent or treasurer of
the respective shores, unless made to the clerks and sheriffs of the
several counties, in the cases where the clerks and sheriffs are
by law authorised to receive, the same.
4. And be it enacted, That the said agent shall be authorised
to superintend the collection of all monies due to the state for
naval duties, fines, penalties, forfeitures and amerciaments, and
forfeited recognizances, and for ordinary, retailers, and marri-
age licenses, and hawkers and pedlers licenses, and to require
payment, and (if necessary) sue for and recover the same; and
the said agent may allow for insolvencies, and credit any money
that the. party is not chargeable with by law, and for his informa-
tion he may take the advice of the attorney-general in writing.
5. And be it enacted, That whenever there shall be occasion to
expose to public sale the property of any collector, or his secu-
rities, by virtue of any execution already issued, or to be issued
for this purpose, the said agent shall cause at least thirty days
public notice to be given of such sale, and shall attend the. same ;
and if it shall appear that there is danger of losing any part
of the debt due to the state., and not otherwise, shall purchase
any property so exposed to sale for the use of the state, in pay-
ment or part payment, as the case may be, of the arrearages due
by the persons whose property may be so purchased, and that no
purchase authorised by this act shall be considered as made on
Dec. Ses. 1816.
Passed Feb 5.
Agent ap-
To collect ba-
lances due the
Vested with
the powers ne-
cessary for
obtaining pay-
ment of ba-
lances, &c.
To collect mo-
nies due for
naval duties,
When property
to be exposed
to sale agent
to give notice.