Dec. Ses. 1816
Passed Feb. 5
Authorised to
sell certain
Deeds executed
by her to be
An act for the benefit of Priscilla Wilson, of Calvert
Sec. 1. Re it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Priscilla Wilson, wife of James M. Wilson, shall be and she is
hereby authorised, to sell and convey all the property which be-
longed to her sister Sarah B. Parker, at the time of her death,
and which hits descended to her as sole heir to the said Sarah B.
2. And be it enacted, That any deed or deeds which may be
executed by the said Priscilla Wilson for the whole or part of said
property, shall be as good and valid as if the said Priscilla was a
feme sole.
Passed Jan. 30.
Master and
Wardens in-
An act incorporating the Master and Wardens, for the time
being, of Somerset Lodge number forty-nine, of Free
and Accepted Masons, for the purposes therein menti-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the muster and wardens, for the time being, of Somerset
Lodge No. 49. of Free and Accepted Masons, and their succes-
sors, be and they are hereby declared a body corporate, so fur
as to enable them to hold an estate in fee simple, in the lot of
ground, on which the Masonic Lodge in Princess-Anne now
stands, and any adjoining land not exceeding one half acre.
Passed Feb. 5.
Nine persons
to be appointed
in each county
as commission-
ers appointed.
An act for the distribution of a certain Fund for the pur-
pose of establishing Free Schools in the several Coun-
ties therein named.
Whereas by an act, entitled, An act to incorporate a compa-
ny to make a turnpike road leading to Cumberland, and for the
extension of the charters of the several banks in the city of Bal-
timore, and for other purposes, and its supplements, a fund has
been pledged for the establishment of free schools throughout
the state: And whereas the said act, and its several supplements,
have directed that the said fund should be equally divided among
the several counties of this state, Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland.
That nine sensible and discreet persons shall be appointed in each
county of this state, who shall be called Commissioners of the
School Fund, and they, or a majority of them, shall be commis-
sioners for the county for which they shall severally be appointed,
and shall apply in their several respective counties each county's
legal proportion of the above-mentioned fund, as they in their judg-
ment may derm meet, so as to accomplish the objects of the
above mentioned act and its several supplements.
2. And be it enacted, That the following persons shall be, and
are hereby appointed commissioners for the several and respec-
tive counties of this state, to wit: For Worcester county,
Ephraim K. Wilson, Thomas N. Williams, George Haywood, Joshua
Prideaux, Billy Fookes, John Cottingham, sen. William Quinton,