lect the same which the county collector now has or may hereaf-
ter have.
7. And be it enacted, That the trustees of each of said sections
shall elect one of the said trustees as their president, who shall
preside in all their meetings, and authenticate by his signature
the acts of said trustees; and said president and trustees shall
have full power and authority to make all rules and regulations,
from time to time, for the government of the schools of their re-
spective sections, and the same to alter, change and abolish, as
they may think proper.
8. And be it enacted, That said trustees, so appointed, shall
continue to serve as trustees until the first Monday in May after
their appointment as aforesaid, on which first Monday in May, and
so on the first Monday in May in every successive year, the
voters of the section shall assemble, at such place as the trus-
tees shall have ten days previously appointed, and by ballot elect
five trustees for the ensuing year, which said trustees, when so
elected, shall have, use and exercise, all the power and authority
given to the herein first before named trustees, for and during
one year, and until other trustees may be elected in their stead.
9. And be it enacted. That if any trustee appointed by virtue
of this act, shall refuse to act, remove out of the section for
which he was appointed, or die, the remaining trustees, or a ma-
jority of them, shall have full power and authority to elect a
proper and suitable person or persons to fill all vacancies which
may happen until the annual election.
10. And be it enacted, That each commissioner shall be entitled
to receive for every day which he may be actually engaged in
performing the duties required by this act, one dollar per day,
and no more, and that the clerk of the county shall receive such
fees for his services as is usual for such services.
11. And be it enacted, That the levy court are hereby authorised
and required, in their county levies, to levy and collect the same
as other county charges are levied and collected.
12. And be it enacted, That, so soon as any of said trustees shall
have provided a good and sufficient school-house, for the accom-
modation of the inhabitants of their section, and levy court
of said county shall be satisfied thereof, it shall he the duty of
the said levy court to give said trustees a certificate thereof,
which certificate shall he evidence of the establishment of said
school, and shall entitle the said trustees to their due and equal
proportion of the funds pledged by this state, for the estab-
lishment of free schools, by virtue of a supplement to the act,
entitled, An act to incorporate a company to make a turnpike
road leading to Cumberland, and for the extension of the char-
ters of the several banks in the city of Baltimore, and for other
purposes, and the several supplements thereto.
15. And be it enacted, That as soon as any school to be estab-
lished by virtue of this act shall he ready for the tuition of chil-
dren, that it shall be the duty of the trustees of said school to
give notice, by public advertisement, to be set up at two or more,
public places in said section, of the time of the commencement of
said school, and that all such white persons, residents in said
sections, who may choose to send their children, or any orphan
Dec. Ses. 1816.
— to elect a
Succession of
trustees, how
to be kept up.
ers allowance.
Levy court to
collect the
When a house
is procured,
trustees enti-
tled to propor-
tion of funds
pledged, &c.
When ready
for reception
of children
notice to be