Dec. Ses. 1816
Judges to give
in charge to
juries all the
laws to sup-
press duelling.
Any judge or
magistrate hav-
ing cause to
suspect any
person about
to be engaged
in a duel, may
issue warrant,
Persons leav-
ing the state to
evade this law,
subject to its
4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the judges of
the several county courts at their respective terms, to give in
charge expressly to the jury, all the laws in force to suppress du-
elling, also to charge the jury to present all persons concerned in
carrying, sending, or accepting a challenge.
5. And be it enacted, That when any judge or magistrate of
this state has good cause to suspect any person or persons are
about to be engaged in a duel, he may issue his warrant to bring
the parties before him, and if he shall think proper to take of
them a recognizance to keep the peace, lie shall insert in the,
condition, that the party or parties shall not, during the time
for which they were bound, directly or indirectly be concerned
in a duel, either with the person suspected, or any other person,
within the time limitted by the recognizance.
6. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall, for
the purpose of eluding the operation of the provisions of this law,
leave the state, the person or persons so offending shall be deem-
ed as guilty, and be subject to the like penalties as if the offence,
had been committed within this state; if any person shall leave,
this state with the intention of giving or receiving a challenge to
fight a duel, or of aiding or abetting in giving or receiving such
challenge, and a duel shall actually be fought, whereby the death
of any person shall happen, and the person so leaving the state
shall remain thereout so as to prevent bin apprehension for the
purpose of a trial; or if any person shall fight a duel in this
state, or aid or abet therein, whereby any person shall be killed,
and then flee into another state to avoid his trial, in cither case
it shall be the duty of the executive, and they are hereby direct-
ed, to adopt and pursue all legal steps to cause any such offender
to be. apprehended and brought to trial in the county where the
offence was committed, when the duel shall have been fought
within the state, and when it shall have been fought without the
state, then in that county where, in the opinion of the executive,
the evidence against the offender can be best obtained and pro-
duced upon his trial.
7. This act shall be in force from the first day of April next.
Passed Feb. 3.
Road to be
books to be
An act to Incorporate the Potomac Turnpike, Company.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a company be incorporated for making a turnpike road from
some point at or near the junction of the north and south branches
of the Potomac river, in the state of Maryland, through the
town of Skipton, and thence to the town of Cumberland, in Al-
legany county.
2. And be it enacted, That subscription books for a capital stock
of sixty thousand dollars, in shares of twenty dollars each, be
opened, and that subscriptions be taken for thirty thousand dol-
lars of the same at the town of Skipton aforesaid, under the di-
rection of James M. Cresap, Jacob Lantz and Lenox Martin; for
thirty thousand dollars in the town of Cumberland, under the di-
rection of William M'Mahon, David Shriver, junior, and John
Barbridge, who are appointed commissioners for that purpose;
who shall, on the first Monday of July next, procure books, and
enter as follows: "We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do